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I've been 2009, 2010, 2011... but, sadly, not this time around. :/ This year Los Angeles is a more out of my price range than it's been in years previous, so I will not be around. Are you going? What panels are you eager to listen in on?


I've been to CAA in Seattle, Dallas, Chicago, and NYC. But sadly, I can't make it this year. I wish I could I love it.

  On 2/3/2012 at 5:13 AM, complexprocedure said:

I've been 2009, 2010, 2011... but, sadly, not this time around. :/ This year Los Angeles is a more out of my price range than it's been in years previous, so I will not be around. Are you going? What panels are you eager to listen in on?

Nuts! Yeah, this year was the only year recently that it's been in my price range since I live in LA and have a full time job to afford it! :lol: I'm really excited. Because of work, I can only go on Saturday, but I still think it will be beneficial even though it would have been nice to be able to go to the whole conference. I'm most looking forward to:

  1. New Approaches to Post-Renaissance Florence, ca. 1600–1743 - The sheer glee of this may put me in a catatonic state...
  2. Art and Architecture in Europe: 1600-1750
  3. The Body as a Site of Political Intervention in Contemporary Middle Eastern Art - Not my specialty by any means, but how can you not be interested in that? Hehe.

2 & 3 have conflicting times so I'll have to choose. Somehow. :unsure:

The conference as a whole looks really strong and I'm fully expecting some great things in scholarship to come out of it. Wish I could go to the whole thing! Too bad the centennial will only happen once in my lifetime. ^_^


I'd love to go to CAA and SAH, but I couldn't get off work/find someone to share a hotel room with. Next year, maybe!

Also, if I had to decide between 2 and 3, I'd definitely pick 3! It sounds fascinating- I'm going to live vicariously through you.

  On 2/3/2012 at 11:50 AM, once said:

I'd love to go to CAA and SAH, but I couldn't get off work/find someone to share a hotel room with. Next year, maybe!

Also, if I had to decide between 2 and 3, I'd definitely pick 3! It sounds fascinating- I'm going to live vicariously through you.

:D You're totally right. Sleep made it clear, 3 is the winner!

You can live vicariously through me! I'm going to blog about it on my site! Hehe :)

  On 2/3/2012 at 3:21 PM, cokohlik said:

:D You're totally right. Sleep made it clear, 3 is the winner!

You can live vicariously through me! I'm going to blog about it on my site! Hehe :)

Huzzah, I love your blog! I've tried blogging several times but could never really find my voice.

  On 2/3/2012 at 3:53 PM, once said:

Huzzah, I love your blog! I've tried blogging several times but could never really find my voice.

Thank you so much!

It's second nature to me. I've been blogging & making websites since I was 11 :)

  On 2/3/2012 at 6:04 PM, losemygrip said:

I've been to CAA every year since 1985, except for one. I'm o-o-o-l-d.

:o I. Am. SO jealous!!!! I wasn't even born in 85... CAA was awesome back then. Still is, but, you know. :)

I wasn't even born in 85...

Rub it in, why don'tcha'? :rolleyes:

I can tell you it's really fun as a beginning graduate student to go to your first few conferences. I was lucky because my first one was funded by my MA program. At my first conference in 1985, there was a keynote speech by the conservators of the Sistine Ceiling restoration, which had recently begun. It was, I believe, the first public presentation of the images of the cleaned ceiling. Audible gasps, excited murmurs, stunned looks were in abundance.

In general, though, the keynotes are a bore. The main reason to go is to see old friends and spend lots of time in the book exhibits. And see all the local art shows.


Shoot, I am really wishing I could go now! If nothing else, it would at least serve to adequately distract me from admissions results (or the dreaded lack thereof!). CAA always presents the delightful conundrum of scheduling at least a couple seriously conflicting presentations that make me wish I'd figured out how to clone myself so I could attend both. As it stands, I've forced myself to not even look at the program this year because I JUST KNOW that I'm going to miss something TOTALLY AMAZING.

That said, NOT attending will prevent me from spending every liquid penny to my name on books. Which means I *won't* have to face dining on nothing but ramen from mid-February through the beginning of April.

@losemygrip: I'd have loved to have been there for that Sistine restoration talk, and that's not even my area! I bet that was really something.

  On 2/9/2012 at 3:32 AM, acatl_6 said:

hey all, first time poster, I'm ~8 months away from finishing my M.A. (just need to defend this silly qualifying paper and I'm out!) and will be attending this years conference for the first time. Coming from Minnesota, so hoping to enjoy the weather a bit too. Will be fishing for PhD conversation the whole time as I'll be applying this fall for entry into a 2013 program. Anyway, just thought I'd share my .02 and keep momentum alive here. cheers!

Yay!! Congratulations on finishing up your MA! What's your thesis about?


Are any of your POIs going to CAA? Only one of mine is, which is pretty remakable considering there are 11 others!

  On 2/3/2012 at 8:06 PM, losemygrip said:

Rub it in, why don'tcha'? :rolleyes:

I can tell you it's really fun as a beginning graduate student to go to your first few conferences. I was lucky because my first one was funded by my MA program. At my first conference in 1985, there was a keynote speech by the conservators of the Sistine Ceiling restoration, which had recently begun. It was, I believe, the first public presentation of the images of the cleaned ceiling. Audible gasps, excited murmurs, stunned looks were in abundance.

In general, though, the keynotes are a bore. The main reason to go is to see old friends and spend lots of time in the book exhibits. And see all the local art shows.

Drool... I would've loved to be in that talk. That and Philip Sohm's Caravaggiomania talk.

  On 2/16/2012 at 5:15 AM, acatl_6 said:

THANK YOU! Few people I know outside of school appreciate the work that Art History really entails. I'm glad I found this board, going to vent here probably for the next 9 months. My QP will be focusing on very early colonial Spanish influence and adaptation within the basin of Lake Texcoco. That's where I'm at. Not yet dialed in to a specific object, but I have time period and culture down pat ;)

I really like prints and script, and so codices are an obvious rte

That sounds awesome!


Yes, my adviser. Currently in my third seminar with him and looking to springboard off of the thesis I write with his guidance. Through him I think I know a bunch of people that I've emailed for research questions or have read extensively, or met already - really excited for the panel discussion I'm going for particularly

That will be fun! I'd love to meet some of the people I've emailed, if they were going. I wonder if CAA will have a bar. One of my TAs once told me that he went to a conference (religious studies) when he was applying to graduate school, for the purpose of meeting with POIs. Well, most of everyone was drunk or close to it and he said it made for interesting first impressions on both ends. Too funny. I'd like to think of CAA as one big lively lecture course with bits and pieces of a seminar course ... but we'll see. I imagine it'll be pretty lively. I can't wait!

  On 2/16/2012 at 5:15 AM, acatl_6 said:

THANK YOU! Few people I know outside of school appreciate the work that Art History really entails. I'm glad I found this board, going to vent here probably for the next 9 months. My QP will be focusing on very early colonial Spanish influence and adaptation within the basin of Lake Texcoco. That's where I'm at. Not yet dialed in to a specific object, but I have time period and culture down pat ;)

I really like prints and script, and so codices are an obvious rte

Yes, my adviser. Currently in my third seminar with him and looking to springboard off of the thesis I write with his guidance. Through him I think I know a bunch of people that I've emailed for research questions or have read extensively, or met already - really excited for the panel discussion I'm going for particularly

Where in Minnesota do you go to school, if you don't mind me asking...

  On 2/18/2012 at 5:11 AM, acatl_6 said:

PM Sent :)

Sorry, but I have no idea what that means...I was wondering who you work with in Minnesota that does Precolumbian art history. Are you planning to go for a PhD afterwards? Will your adviser be speaking at CAA? Which panel are you speaking about?

  On 2/22/2012 at 6:22 PM, acatl_6 said:

Posting from the LA Convention Center :)


Anyone make it to Finish Fetish Sculpture from Los Angeles 1960s-1970s: Conservation Dilemmas? I would have LOVED that :( I'm hoping the conference is closer to me next year.

Must stop looking at CAA schedule and go to bed...

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