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I'm going to laugh pretty hard if UT Austin rejected me and Michigan accepts me. We'll see.

Not banking too hard on it.

At the same time, though, this process is almost maddeningly random. People can definitely be rejected from lower-ranked schools (hah - like UT-Austin could ever be considered a low ranked school!) and accepted to higher ones.

The thing that's making me tear my hair out is that there are all these extraneous factors... Obviously, a 4.0 will be more helpful than a 2.5 but I feel like our stats can be so similar but if we're not exactly what a school is looking for, we're out. And that may or may not happen with every school you apply to. !!@#@)(*) Ahhhh.

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I got an email saying I'm on the "very short alternate list" and that I should know one way or the other by early/mid April. Anybody else get waitlisted? Anybody get in and not plan on attending? Any idea what the odds are of getting in off the waitlist? Any info would be much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a rejection e-mail today...a voice cut from a template, sung from the guts of a mass-mail autobot somewhere out in the interweb aether.

well said water_rabbit. Got the same email yesterday. Can't say I was surprised, but it was my reach school. Glad I know where I stand so I can go about making the important decisions.

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