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UOregon 2012

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I applied to the PhD program -- so, Merik7, you might be in a better position than I am at this point. Earlier in this thread someone reported that Michael Stamm wrote: "MA applications are evaluated after all the PhD admissions decisions have been made."

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I emailed Dr. Bovilsky today and actually got back a really thoughtful email. What I found out wasn't necessarily conclusive, but might be helpful to some (especially my fellow MA applicants). They've taken so long because they've received a record number of Ph.D applicants this year and are currently halfway through reviewing MA applications. Rejections can be expected early next week for MA applicants, but others will have to wait till rather close to the April 15th deadline. Though the wait is going to be tough... I'm just glad to know the "Denial" I read on the website was premature.

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I just officially declined my offer and fellowship to the Films Studies track of the PhD program. I'm all too familiar with the purgatory that is the wait list, having applied last year, eventually failing to get in...so here's to hoping one of you gets some good news soon.

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Thought you all would appreciate this anecdote... I got a call today from a 503 area code. I've been getting a ridiculous string of telemarketing phone calls lately so I thought before answering it, I thought to look up the area code. Well, I missed the call... when I finally read that 503 is an Oregon number. Frantically, I check my voicemail and sift through the bazillion telemarketing messages left on my phone thinking I missed a call from UofO... I finally get to it and I'm super anxious by this point... and it's another damn telemarketer.

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Has everyone heard back now? I have a fully funded offer from another school I'm sitting on... I had wanted to wait until I heard from Oregon but 1) funding is guaranteed to not be as good even if I got in 2) with the acceptances going up on the result board, I'm starting to think perhaps I've been implicitly rejected and they're never going to email me lol.

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Completely ridiculous and unprofessional at this point, honestly.

I'm having the same experience with the Creative Writing Ph.D at FSU, and others are, too. I got some evasive (but stock, clearly prepared and copied and pasted) waitlist-implying email back from the coordinator after I finally emailed, with a note to contact the director with questions. Well, of course I had questions, because the email was totally vague. Emailed the director, and no response. It's just rude. Why don't they just officially waitlist people? Why can't they answer a simple email with a straight answer?

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I'm calling it off. I waited this long because Oregon had been forthright about their inability to let everyone know until pushing the 15th... but this is as close as I feel comfortable cutting it. I have an excellent offer waiting for my commitment, and it'd be a shame to pass it up waiting for word from a program that won't be able to touch their funding (even if UVM is across the country and less convenient in that way).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm one of the MA admits on the board. The first one. Almost positive I'll be accepting. Anyone else doing the MA here?

I went to undergrad here and know Prof. Pyle somewhat. He was one of the main people that encouraged me to major in english in the first place and he wrote one of my recs. Really cool guy. Hopefully I'll get a chance to work with him again. The other main profs that interested me here were John Gage, who wrote In The Arresting Eye: The Rhetoric of Imagism, and William Rossi, who is an important Thoreau and Emerson scholar.

Anyway, hopefully I'll see some of you guys there.

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