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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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Residencies are a great idea, but i'm kind of stuck where I'm at. i have been looking at internships though, particularly curatorial ones. I think part of my plan is to take the GRE this summer and secure some sort of internship or even just volunteer at one of our many art museums if I can't find anything else. I think I am going to expand my applications to include some museum studies and art history programs as well. Experience, experience experience.....Looking back there are some things I wish i could have done differently. But, I guess it isn't over till it's over...so I'm still going to keep on checking the status check....until it reads something other than pending. :)

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Checked the GSU website got a "decision made" and the decision was "not approved"

SAIC = the cryptic abyss

Tulane = nada

Shouldn't have been looking at work, now that I found that out I am really upset. The head of the painting department there wrote me a freaking rec and said that it would be a piece of cake. Now I am just angry and heartbroken, what happened?

Now I am sitting at the front desk at my job insanely depressed and on the verge of tears like a big baby. If the sure thing didn't let me in, I am sure not getting in anywhere else. :x

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I am under the impression that there are A LOT of applicants this year. I know from what i've seen at school, undergrad enrollment is down too, because no one can get loans. So schools are tightening their belts, and those with bachelors who can't find work are flocking to school. It's a bad balance of supply and demmand. the schools can be as picky as they want to be. I think that is just the way it is. I know Brandeis is looking at selling off many of its artworks and artifacts in order to balance their budget because their primary benefactors lost hundreds of millions to Madolf. Hello bad economy....

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Columbia - nothing

Hunter - Interview (March 14)

CCA - phone interview (Feb 18)

Parsons - nothing

SVA - nothing

Univ of British Columbia - nothing

does anyone know how many people Hunter interviews? It's hard to tell how serious these schools are, even when they ask for an interview. (biting my nails).

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you know, i'm not exactly sure on the numbers, but hunter does all their interviews on one day. i applied there 5 years ago and interviewed, and it was pretty laid back :) they offered me a place but i turned them down at the time, and now i'm back to interview again. i think for hunter, they are pretty interested in you if they offer you an interview. that said, the worst thing you can do at any interview is go in with the attitude that you are definitely in... so maybe i'll see you there on the 14th ;)

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Has anybody heard anything yet about Berkeley? The have been sooo flaky in all communication I have had with them (maybe its a bad sign...).

As for Hunter, they are really "touchy" about the interviews. I will be out of town (at U Chicago) during the interview, and they are being really difficult about giving me a phone interview (I even offered to come in earlier, since I live here...). Has anybody else experienced this when trying to get a phone interview? I mean, it is really expensive to fly around to these places, what do they think, artists are made of money!

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also - if you have an interview - that's a good sign. they aren't gonna make you come all the way out there for nothing.

and - phone interviews count for way less than an in-person. most schools want to see that you're that excited and committed to their program - that you'll drop everything and fly out. you gotta make that decision about hunter - which school is more important? i can promise you if you insist on a phone interview when they want to meet in person you won't get in.

no - we're all starving artists...applying to mfa programs isn't a cheap proposition...but schools want to see that you'll make the sacrifice and have the drive to make it to an interview.

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First off.. Damn all of you that have Yale interviews (joking of course)

Kansas City, MO ---Painting

Yale -- rejected :(

SAIC -- Interview for March 8th

UIC -- Nothing yet

Carnegie Mellon -- Nothing yet

Northwestern -- Nothing yet

VCU -- Nothing yet

Columbia -- Nothing yet

UCLA -- Nothing yet

Good luck to all.


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Oh... and does anyone know which school do interviews and which ones do not?

I posted my schools a post or two before this one, but in general for everyone.

I only know that Yale, SAIC, and Northwestern DO interview.


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UCLA does not do interviews, and I called Columbia to ask but did not get a straightforward answer. I'm guessing Columbia also does not hold official interviews. Don't know about the other schools you applied to, but CalArts, Yale, Bard and Hunter do interviews.

Oh... and does anyone know which school do interviews and which ones do not?

I posted my schools a post or two before this one, but in general for everyone.

I only know that Yale, SAIC, and Northwestern DO interview.


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ok well maybe columbia does, but they would not tell me the date of the interviews, and i browsed the history from last year and nobody mentioned interviews at columbia.

as far as UCLA, i spoke with Caron Cronin on the phone and she told me that they do not do interviews. She said that sometimes faculty will call students to do phone interviews, but there is no interview day. So anyway...

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So I applied only to four schools cause that was all I could handle and I wanted to give each special attention (including visiting and getting my face/name out there, etc.). Man, I wish I would have applied to three times as many, this is brutal.

I did an interview with CCA two weeks ago and they'll send out final notification by next week. But this was my last choice school. :( I got a rejection letter from the sculpture dept at SAIC although I applied to another dept there too. Should I think that the rejection letter was for all the depts? I certainly have not heard any news from the other two schools even though sounds like everyone's been hearing back from UofChi... maybe they forgot about me, haha.

I'm beginning to think that I just need to try again next year, with stronger work and more streamlined applications. Anybody else planning to do a second round? Also, is anyone who's been getting rejections from their top choices (and who, like me, does not have a BFA) considering one of the Post-Bac programs? Is it just a ploy to get student's money? I think it's supposed to be like the 4th year of a BFA program and it's what's been offered to me by SAIC. But surely my work isn't at the level of a 3rd year undergrad, that's really insulting! More confusing is that one of their key faculty, to whom I showed work to last Fall, had really liked both me and my work and wanted me to apply so what gives with the rejection? I guess you never know who the competition's going to be. Sigh.

SAIC (sculpture) - rejected

SAIC (fibers & materials) - no answer

UCLA - no answer

Uof Chicago - no answer

CCA - interview, waiting for final answr

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she's not lying, there is no interview "day" - ucla gets over 1300 applicants a year - the interviews take up several *days*. same with columbia and yale. i know people at all three schools in the mfa studio programs...all had interviews. and not phone interviews, real live interviews. those are three of the most competitive programs to get into - you'd better believe they're going to interview you. and unlike a lot of other schools - an interview doesn't not guarantee you a position. for as many people i know at those schools - i know even more who interviewed but didn't get in.

ok well maybe columbia does, but they would not tell me the date of the interviews, and i browsed the history from last year and nobody mentioned interviews at columbia.

as far as UCLA, i spoke with Caron Cronin on the phone and she told me that they do not do interviews. She said that sometimes faculty will call students to do phone interviews, but there is no interview day. So anyway...

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