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International student applied to UWO


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Hi guys!

Recently stumbled upon this place doing what most of us have been doing this past few weeks- desperately scouring the internet for information regarding grad school admissions!

I'm an international student from Ireland that applied to do an Anthropology Masters at UWO wayyyyy back in October ( I applied the week registrations were opened). I received a kind email from an associate professor at the school who said he was interested in my proposal and would support my application. I thanked him and had a short discussion with him regarding it.

Flash forward to the end of January and I emailed him again with a general question regarding the proposal. He wrote back and answered the question, ending the mail with "I look forward to your arrival later in the year when we can discuss this further" (not word for word but exact same sentiment).

Obviously I freaked out but I still haven't heard anything regarding an official decision and was wondering what all of you make of what he said in the email. Is is an unofficial way of saying that I've got in?

I would very much like to hear others opinions on this and wish everyone all the best in their grad school admissions. It is a very stressful situation.

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Ditto Charlie. I'm a Western alumni and I think you'll really enjoy your time at the school. I was also at McGill (I have 2 undergrads)...and comparing the two....Western is far ahead in terms of student facilities (they opened a $30 mill gym complex a few years back), are very underrated in terms of funding (helps when you're based in Ontario) and you get a good sense of community and genuine school spirit (in my opinion). There's always something going on at the grad club...I remember Tuesdays being trivia night last year. If your apps go as planned and you decide to go, I'm sure you'll have a blast.

Edited by MaxiJaz
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Thanks for the words guys. I was told I would hear back in early March so I'm not too worried yet. I guess I could wait until the end of the week before I decide to send him an email.

That's great to hear Jaz. I know UWO might not have the greatest reputation but their funding makes it a very good option for international students like myself. Getting funding for an international student is extremely difficult to the point of it not existing, so my choices hinge on whether I will be given enough funding to cover the cost of tuition (Something which seems very likely with UWO).

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Ah the famous reputation at Western. I remember before going there my friends would always tell me to make sure I meet the infamous 'Saugeen Stripper' (you can google search it). I know they've been working hard on getting rid of the whole party school image but it's pretty hard to shake off when you're in a college town/city. Otherwise, it's not like you find drunk kids outside lecture halls....or things you wouldn't otherwise see any where else ;)

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