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How do you handle an "Um, what?"


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I got into another school last night. (w00t). However, they are saying my GPA was below their minimum. There is no way my goa was what they are calculating it as, I contacted graduate admissions.

Has this hapened to anyone else? Am I flipping my hat over nothing (I'll be on academic probation if I go there, but get off if I keep a 3.0)?

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Well you got in so I'd say don't panic. I would ask for more detail about what they calculated it as and how (there could be a mistake if you really think there's no way it should be below their minimum), and what it would mean for you as an incoming student. Would you be on academic probation, etc.?

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Congratulations! I would definitely try to clear it up. If there is a chance that they calculate GPAs in a way that would significantly lower yours, find out how they calculated it and double check it yourself. I had to calculate my GPA according to different schools' standards and it different ~.15 as a range.

If there is no chance that the disparity is from a slight calculation difference, make sure they have the right transcript. I saw on this forum someone who had posted maybe a year ago about a school saying his/her GPA was an entire point below what it was. It turned out they mixed up the transcript. Unfortunately for this person, the school wouldn't reconsider the rejection they sent due to someone else's low GPA. Regardless of what happens in sorting this out, your acceptance is definitely good news.

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I got into another school last night. (w00t). However, they are saying my GPA was below their minimum. There is no way my goa was what they are calculating it as, I contacted graduate admissions.

Has this hapened to anyone else? Am I flipping my hat over nothing (I'll be on academic probation if I go there, but get off if I keep a 3.0)?

Update: they had mixed me up with another student of the same name who had attended a school I went to. All is fixed. :). Moral: don't be afraid to ask!

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