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Area Studies to Poli Sci


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I'm about to start in an Asian Studies Master's program (I don't know where yet... that's why I'm on this forum!) with a specialization in Chinese politics. I am interested in possibly going into a Poli Sci PhD program after that. So my questions are:

A. Would an area studies M.A. which involved politics (and no undergrad background in Poli Sci - I was a Chinese major) give me a good chance at getting into a top PhD program? Assuming, of course, that I had good grades and GRE scores. Or would I look like a lesser candidate compared to people who had been on a Political Science track all along?

B. I don't really want to be in school forever and ever. I'll already be 28 by the time I finish the masters. So does having an M.A. ever let one start as a 2nd year student, even if it is not an M.A. in the exact same field?


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Can't answer your second question, but the first I can. I have an MA in Asian Studies, and my thesis, while it did involve some political and economic topics, fit most clearly into the discipline of Cultural Studies. My undergrad background was almost completely humanities. I haven't applied for top schools, as what I'm looking for is pretty specific and not widely available, but I have been told by various people that I would have been competative. I'll never know, though!

I don't think having an area studies degree will make you a lessor candidate. Whether it will make you a stronger candidate depends on you. Good luck!

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I'm was in a similar fix. I graduated from undergrad with a degree in literature/history and then moved abroad. Then I did an an area studies masters degree, and discovered I liked poli sci.

A. It can be done! With a lot of luck, and good letters from poli sci faculty (who I worked with in my masters program), I got into a good school. Fingers crossed for getting into a few more schools, but with my undergrad grades, I'm not so sure!

B. Depends on the program. But rarely, I think, do schools accept credit from masters, and my sense is only if you get your doctorate at the same school. I wouldn't worry about your age, but that's me. I'll be about 28 when I start.

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