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Best schools to take macro and micro courses in preparation for MA/MPP?


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As an undergraduate I majored in English literature but after a year working in education and human rights in Indonesia, a short stint in Burma, and a year in Somalia, I am strongly leaning toward public policy programs. Unfortunately, I did not take micro- or macro-economics as an undergraduate. I'm looking to fill in this gap.

I plan to apply to only a few of the top programs (Harvard, LSE, and a handful of others) and I'm wondering if there are schools that offer micro and macro that have a reputation as being particularly rigorous. Recommendations for schools in NYC or DC -- or, perhaps, online courses -- would be of particular value as I will probably be in one of the two after I leave Somalia and before grad school.

Thank you ahead of time.

Edited by Klaatu
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Are we talking intro level classes? If that is the case, and it certainly sounds like it is, I would think any four year school would do. A community college or an online class probably wouldn't impress Harvard too much.

On the other hand, I went to a large university and there were around 400 people in each of my intro to micro/macro econ classes, (I got the highest grade in one of them by the way), but I believe that the "economies of scale" at such an institution preclude what you might call "particularly rigorous".

First of all, with your background, I would only take the classes, if they are prerequisites for the programs you are considering.

Next, I would either go to a school based on its location OR to one that seems to have a professor that is doing impressive research.

My guess is that you would prefer the second option.

So, if that is the case, research the individuals at a few institutions OR read a few scholarly journals, and contact some of them and say, "I think you do great, interesting work and I want to be your research assistant for a semester or two."

Impress them with your passion and smarts, get a great letter of recommendation from them, and go on to a great grad program.

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