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Humanities PhDs working outside academia?


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I'm like, still in college, but I was wondering if any of you guys know any humanities PhDs (preferably literature-based) that are working with decent remuneration in the private sector?

Also, does prestige of your PhD institution get you any points when applying for jobs outside academia?


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What do you mean by "decent"? Can afford a mortgage decent, or can afford a Mercedes decent?

For what it's worth, I don't know of any Humanities PhDs working in the private sector. They're all either working in academia, or they're unemployed.

Edited by plastic_enthusiast
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Yes, some do. I don't know if it's common. There's a book you could read: So What Are You Going to Do With That?: A Guide for M.A.'s and Ph.D's Seeking Careers Outside the Academy. The title doesn't give it away so much, other than the "M.A." part, but I found it to be heavily gearded toward the humanities (I was actually hoping for something more general).

Edited by tocs1
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