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how do grad programs work in the UK?


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A short answer will do. I met a couple girls from the UK who honestly weren't very bright, but one was entering a masters program and the other a phd program-both in ecology. I didn't get to ask them much about their intended programs of study, and am not able to talk to them anymore, but what struck me as very odd was that the girl entering the masters program was trying to figure out on what and where she could spend about 2 weeks doing field research before she even arrives at the university. She explained that that's how it works and that she had already been accepted (I don't remember where) but wasn't to begin the program formally until around August or some such date. She was going to formulate an hypothesis and conduct her brief research (2 weeks!), and only afterwards would she start taking classes, or do whatever it is that UK grad students do when they get to campus. The other girl was starting a phd program, but when I asked where, she gave me the name of a research organization in Namibia. When I looked it up later I learned that it was a non-profit research NGO that runs a research station, but certainly not an academic institution. Regardless of whether or not she's enrolled at an actual university somewhere (I didn't ask), I know for a fact she has not attended anything such as a class and is literally beginning her phd program by conducting research at the station. For any grad students in the UK reading this now, can you please tell me all of this sounds absolutely absurd to you? It would restore my faith in the competency of you people.

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