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U Wisconsin Admits in Chem Engg. 09


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So I'll just use my profile made for the other thread on this forum:

Undergrad Institution: MIT

Major(s):Chemical Engineering


GPA in Major:5.0/5.0

Overall GPA:4.9/5.0

Length of Degree: 4 year B.S.

Position in Class: Don't have rankings I don't think, at least I don't know where I am

Type of Student: Just a domestic, white guy. Nothing exciting

GRE Scores:




Research Experience: A summer of Undergrad research. No publication or anything like that.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Internship at a small engineering company after sophmore year. I'm TAing the intro chemical engineering class this Spring

Applying for PhD at:

UWisconsin - ChemE - Accepted

Minnesota - ChemE - Accepted

Berkeley - ChemE - Accepted

Princeton - ChemE - Accepted

UCSB - ChemE - Accepted

CalTech - ChemE - Accepted

My area of interest is generally in Computational Chemical Engineering. I could see myself being pretty happy in a lab/cubicle farm with matlab/fortran/python/whatever I'd need as my main tool of reasearch. In terms of the focus of the simulation or computational work that's less important... I'm open to learning new things and trying to figure out how to best represent them in the computer world and what new algorithms to use. I would be a computer scientist but I like the theory, application, and impact of chemical engineering far more. I also have a twin brother who got accepted to wisconsin as well but I don't think he's on this forum... So I guess I'll be easy to spot at the visiting weekend. I'll be the one with a duplicate of himself.

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I just started visiting schools. Went to Santa Barbara last weekend and it was real fun and super nice weather (Boston kinda sucks). Everyone there was real chill too, especially the computational guys. I kinda hoped that would be one to cross off my list after visiting but that was not the case. So still got some work to do before I make my decision.

In the beginning I said that I hoped to get into Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Berkeley and that if I had to choose before visiting anywhere that I'd probably choose Minnesota. But since I got into those top three (plus Princeton and Santa Barbara which eventually were the other two I chose to visit... Caltech is super small and less computationally oriented so I decided against that visit) everything is kinda up in the air until I see all the places.

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jasmad- you will go to Minnesota... (jedi mind trick).

I just joined up on here and found your thread. You have gotten into many good places, young padawan. But you are not a Jedi yet...

Where are you thinking as of now?

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