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GRE for Neuroscience/Psych?


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I'm interested in Behavioral Neuroscience for grad school. Last week, I got a 159Q/162V on the GRE. Do I need to retake it?

I have a 3.7 GPA and 2.5 years research experience with the same psychopharmacology lab (doing exactly the type of research I want to continue doing as a grad student). No publications, but a poster, thesis-in-progress and a couple grants I've earned for our lab, not to mention ample experience with research design. Should have raving letters of rec, all from professors in the Neuro/Psych dept. at my university who have used me for research.

Good Bio/Chem background (but not extensive, up through Orgo I and Biochem) with quite a few Neuro courses, but no Calculus or Physics.

I'm worried about that Quant score. Should I be?

Thanks for your help!

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I'm a biology/psych double major and I'm applying to cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psych programs (but not behavioral ones). I've heard from a lot of profs that they look at a combination of GPA and GRE. You have a high overall GPA, so as long as your GRE scores are decent you should be fine. Most programs recommend a 600 (using the old scoring method) on at least one section, so all things considered you sound like a really solid candidate :)

My GPA is a little lower (3.5), so I'm really studying for the GREs to balance things out.

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My quant score (on the old scale) was somewhere just above 50th percentile. Your other stats are good, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Research experience and LoRs are waaaaay more important. Yay behavioral neuro!

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