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PhD in developing countries economics / public policy (banking regulation)

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I'm right now doing a Mphil in International and Development Economics in a fairly good program in France. I would like to pursue with a PhD to study banking regulation and prudential policies in developing countries. Do you have suggestions of the programs, in the US or Europe, that would be the best fit for my profile (see hereunder)?

- Master in Public Affairs (France's best PA program).

- Three years working as a consultant for the French banking sector (with a lot of assignments on banking regulation).

- Two years as an investment officer in an African country for a development agency (mainly focused on the banking sector of the country I was in).

- Currently, Mphil in International and Development Economics in Paris with a focus on econometrics, Economic policy and macroeconomics.

- No maths after highschool (but a very strong record in highschool maths from one of the top-two French highschools, known (at least to its students) to include undergrad maths in its last year classes).

I also have the following questions:

- Is Econ PhD the best fit or shouldn't I go for Public policy PhD?

- Should I take an online course in Mathematics (the University of London diploma seems quite interesting) to try to make up for lost time and add some algebra, calculus to my resume (could have thought of that earlier, mind you)?

I know my profile doesn't qualify me for top-notch Econ programs but I am quite settled on the topic I want to pursue research in and the public policy slant I want to give to it. I admit I would like to write my PhD in English, preferably in another country as France. Thank you very much for your help, comments, warnings or encouragements.


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