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I am applying to Higher Ed programs but have not heard back from any schools...UCLA, Penn, Harvard. Does this sound like bad news. Anyone hear from these schools. Looks like UCLA has contacted from other chain but not much from Penn or Harvard for higher ed?



I applied to Harvard's Higher Ed program too. If it's like last year we should hear around Friday the 13th ; )

If you look at the Results board they have sent out acceptances and rejections to the doctoral applicants. Several people have mentioned that in their rejection letters they were told their application was going into the masters' candidates pool, but there was no information about notification.

Keep your fingers crossed! I will definitely post on here when I hear something. Maybe we'll be classmates? What's your first choice?


I applied to Higher Ed.

Rejected from Harvard EdD, put in masters pool. Check the website.

Michigan, Penn, Teacher's College and UCLA have already been in touch. UCLA Still has not updated their decision website.

Still waiting on Stanford....


did not apply to nyu. just found email in spam folder that i got rejected from ucla. not sure how ucla ranks against penn and harvard for masters in higher ed but not feeling confident about those two with this reject under my belt. maybe i should have applied to move schools


UCLA is #3 according to US News. But I know the feeling about not feeling confident. I am waiting on NYU and Penn.


Edwaiting -

So sorry to hear about the news re: UCLA. Which program did you apply to? I applied Ed.D.... but haven't heard anything yet. :(


i apply to higher ed at harvard and upenn and student service at ucla. all masters. anyone hear about higher ed masters at harvard or upenn? i am thinking i need to apply to more schools because when i read us news and world it ranks upenn and harvard--ucla noteven ranked and i got rejected



All three of those programs (UCLA, Harvard and UPenn) are considered top ten programs both for higher education and overall. http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... educ_admin. Technically, UCLA is the top ranked for your specialty of the three. That being said, as someone who currently works in admission I would encourage anyone not to judge a school just by a ranking. You should apply to schools that have programs that best fit your needs, faculty you're interested in, etc. And applying to a broad range, including ones that are a sure thing, is also a good idea. I recognize this may be obvious advice but sometimes it's harder to remember the big picture as you're going through the process.

  highered09 said:

All three of those programs (UCLA, Harvard and UPenn) are considered top ten programs both for higher education and overall. http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... educ_admin. Technically, UCLA is the top ranked for your specialty of the three. That being said, as someone who currently works in admission I would encourage anyone not to judge a school just by a ranking. You should apply to schools that have programs that best fit your needs, faculty you're interested in, etc. And applying to a broad range, including ones that are a sure thing, is also a good idea. I recognize this may be obvious advice but sometimes it's harder to remember the big picture as you're going through the process.

I agree with you very much. And agree the big picture gets quite lost in application process. To me I consider all equal caliber but it is quite offputting to see a rejection with no real reason why. To know why would make me feel better about my chances at other schools. That is very interesting you work in admissions, very good experience. Do you also apply for higher ed programs?


hi Inspekt. i think my post was more venting than any legitimate request for a reason why. i have not heard from any other schools but i feel like some schools might tell you why if you asked. this is not based on any experience though.

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