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MS neuroscience


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I am extremely stressed out while waiting to hear back from grad school. I was wondering if anyone could give me any insight or advice on my chances of getting in?

In May I graduated with a BS degree in psychology and neuroscience. I currently applied to the MS program for neuroscience at the University of Hartford for spring semester 2013. Unforunately I graduated with a 2.9 GPA and I have average/slightly above average GRE scores. I have a year of research experience in two different labs. One researching mirror neurons in an advanced translational neuroscience lab at Syracuse University. The other was a neuroimaging lab at SUNY Upstate Medical University researching VCFS. I have fairly good LORs. In my SOP I talked about why I have low semesters that had caused my subpar GPA. I have been struggling with depression since I entered SU as a freshmen due to the sudden death of my mother. I also have a strong tie to neuroscience due to family illnesses. I have been extremely interested in neuroscience since I was 12 years old and I frequently read books and articles pertaining to the field in my free time. I am passionate and I have had some road blocks that I really hope will not affect my future in neuroscience.

Could anyone help me evaluate my chances of getting into the MS neuroscience program at UHart? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

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Your SOP is a Statement of Purpose. Don't make it a Personal Statement.

Talk about your accomplishments and how that has shaped your future and given you the tools to succeed.

Don't talk about your childhood. That belongs in college admissions letters. It's overdone.

You could add an addendum about any conditions, asking the admission board to consider your hardship. But, don't center your SOP around that. You want your reader to be bragging about you, not feeling sorry for you. Write as well as you can to show that you have what it takes to overcome these hardships. Grades are not necessarily indicative of graduate performance, but attitude is. You say you're passionate... show them. Don't just let them read common words and phrases, use your unique experiences to make them feel and understand your passion in a positive way.


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Thanks for your advice. I just wanted to say I got accepted! For anyone who was stressing and searching the internet high and low, like I was, do not fret! You can achieve your goals even if you did not do so hot in undergrad. It is possible, do not give up!

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