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CCA / Pratt / SVA / Columbia College / ICP Bard / Mass Art -- MFA Studio Art


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Good morning everyone!

Application season is upon us and that means eliminating some schools from our very (very) long lists! I'm trying to get as much information (selectivity, I don't care about how prestigious they are as long as they're GOOD and WORTH the money) as possible about the following schools:

California College of Arts



ICP Bard

Columbia College

Mass Art

My work is extremely urban, just something to consider. Oh and I'm looking to get my MFA in Studio/Visual Art (photography). What can you guys tell me about these schools? If you had to eliminate two or three from the list, which would you take out?

These aren't the only schools I'm applying to, but I want to make sure I have at least a good 3 "art schools" on my list.

Thanks in advance!

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As someone currently in the bay area I can tell you a little bit about CCA. They are definitely trying to gear themselves up for having a more conceptually driven program, but as it is right now it's very lackluster. They offered one of my friends a full ride (who didn't apply but is a well known conceptual artist in the bay area) if he attended. But I haven't heard that for anyone else who attended. They have a lot of money, but their funding doesn't seem to make much sense in terms of distribution. After looking at your website, I think you would definitely fit in better at CCA than SFAI (even though it's not on your list). My impression of the entire program at CCA is they want to have one foot in the conceptual fine art world and another in the more "marketable" fine art world. (I don't mean that in any negativity, I just think they know how to respond better to object based work that could make you a living)

The SF art scene is in an interesting mode right now. SF caters to more of the "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" where as I would consider Oakland to be more interested in personal narratives. Hopefully that's some food for thought.

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Good morning everyone!

Application season is upon us and that means eliminating some schools from our very (very) long lists! I'm trying to get as much information (selectivity, I don't care about how prestigious they are as long as they're GOOD and WORTH the money) as possible about the following schools:

California College of Arts



ICP Bard

Columbia College

Mass Art

My work is extremely urban, just something to consider. Oh and I'm looking to get my MFA in Studio/Visual Art (photography). What can you guys tell me about these schools? If you had to eliminate two or three from the list, which would you take out?

These aren't the only schools I'm applying to, but I want to make sure I have at least a good 3 "art schools" on my list.

Thanks in advance!

The only one of that list of 6 that I think might be worth it is SVA. I actually think your list of state schools is much better. If you want to include some serious private art schools, what about SAIC?

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Good morning everyone!

Application season is upon us and that means eliminating some schools from our very (very) long lists! I'm trying to get as much information (selectivity, I don't care about how prestigious they are as long as they're GOOD and WORTH the money) as possible about the following schools:

California College of Arts



ICP Bard

Columbia College

Mass Art

My work is extremely urban, just something to consider. Oh and I'm looking to get my MFA in Studio/Visual Art (photography). What can you guys tell me about these schools? If you had to eliminate two or three from the list, which would you take out?

These aren't the only schools I'm applying to, but I want to make sure I have at least a good 3 "art schools" on my list.

Thanks in advance!

Nice portfolio! 

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