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Shipping A Computer To The US

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I have a fairly beefy desktop computer which I bought a year ago. I've done the sums and it doesn't seem cost effective simply to sell it and replace it (it's old enough now where the difference between a new computer and its resale value is greater than the cost of shipping it).

I'm going to dismantle it into the component parts - leaving the case, power supply and my monitors behind. I was wondering if anyone has any tips to avoid having to pay import duty.

I know when shipping stuff into the UK that you can avoid paying import duty if it is unaccompanied baggage of your personal effects (http://www.ukimports.org/uk_customs_procedures_personal_effects_belongings_form_c3.html). Does anyone know if there is a similar exemption in the US?

Thanks for your help!

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Something to consider is that even though the cost in rebuilding is more than shipping, will the upgraded components be worth the difference? For instance, I don't know what your #s are or how high-end the parts are, but you could potentially consider this as a time to upgrade.

Unfortunately, I don't know about any exemptions, but you could declare a lower value for customs. Alternately, since you're dismantling anyway, maybe you could just bring in your checked baggage?

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