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score reports sent but not received?


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Hey everyone,

So I dug around the forum a little bit looking for an answer to this but nothing's really turned up. Here's the issue: I had score reports sent to programs on the day I took the exam, back in July. I confirmed on the GRE website that they had sent all the scores when I began my apps in October. A few days ago I sumbitted my first two apps and both online application systems say that my scores are missing. Should I contact the program or does it take a while before the info in the system is updated?


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Yes, for two of my schools, my GRE scores weren't linked to my application until about a week after the deadlines, despite the fact that I had sent them months ago. A few other schools specifically said to wait 2-3 weeks before contacting them about having received GRE scores. I would recommend giving it a solid two weeks after the deadline, and then drop a line to the schools if the scores still aren't there. Besides, usually schools will contact you if your application is incomplete at the time they are about to review the files.

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Thanks for the replies, it looks like the problem pretty much solved itself. In case anyone runs into a similar problem in the future...I figured out that generally scores won't be matched to an application until after the deadline, regardless of how early the app is submitted. For some reason I was under the impression that they're matched at submission. I'm still waiting on one app to be updated, but it's for a much larger graduate school so I'm assuming it's just a matter of time. Cheers!

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