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A Question about reaching out and emailing professors

la sarar

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I'm applying to PhD programs in Hebrew Bible/Ancient Near East/Religious Studies (in HB/Old Testament).

I'm almost done with my applications actually. There is one last program (Brandeis) about which I'm rather hesitant. I emailed two professors in their program and asked to visit their campus but neither of them replied to my email (twice). I asked to meet at a national conference in vain, too. 

I got replies from all the other professors and I have met most of them (all but one) in person.

Also, this is my second time to apply and last time the same professor at Brandeis answered my questions quite actively and for multiple times. I applied to the PhD program last time as well but got accepted into the master's program (I was a senior at college). For financial reasons I did not attend their program. It is sort of odd that the same person would ignore all my emails this time. I'm in Cambridge right now and Brandeis is just several miles away. Ironically it's the only program whose professors I have not met in person. 


I did a little research and found out that in the past 6 years at least 4 of their 6 new PhD students (they accept only one person per year)  were internal applicants who were doing the MA at Brandeis. Is it why both  of them ignored my emails (my adviser knows them well and told me they are friendly people)? I mean, is it possible that they already have a good fit from their own master's program so it is unnecessary to even answer my emails, as I'd have no chance at all?


The deadline is the 17th. Should I even bother to submit my application?

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I would definitely apply and then try to meet them at the national conference. Or, right after their talk and during the Q&A session, dare to ask them a relevant question (and I am sure you can nail this one pretty easily since you are probably very familiar with their publications and research) and then, during a "mingling" or a perfect "networking moment" (a.k.a Hors d'Oeuvres, make sure you go for a nice Chilean cab!!!Malbec will do too!A great conversation starter.J/K), it will be way easier to start a conversation with that person because you have already asked her a question and showed interest.

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