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Advice on funding


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I'm in the initial stages of preparing for grad school (looking at programs, figuring out what to go for, etc) and I'm quickly getting overwhelmed. My question for today is, should I worry about paying for grad school first or getting into a program? I have about $50,000 debt from undergrad loans, and I'm really not wanting to take out more loans for grad school, so I would need to get a fellowship or something to pay for tuition. So the question again is, do I worry about getting into grad school and then once admitted, figure out how to pay for it? Or do I do it the other way around (look for programs that have fellowships and try to find funding before I apply for programs)? I think it'll be difficult to search for programs based on availability of fellowships, but if that's the best way to go then I want to know that. Very confused at this point :-/


To give you more information, the areas I'm interested in getting a Masters in are microbiology (specifically environmental micro, or antibiotic resistance in bacteria), or maybe environmental engineering. I have a BS in Biology. Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

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If you are applying to a microbiology program, stipends and tuition should be covered (the school pays you). Engineering, depends on the specific program and school, but it is more common that you may have to pay for an MS than for a PhD. So I'd apply now if you are sure you want the degree. No loans should be involved--if you are in the sciences, you shouldn't really be going to a program that doesn't pay you, wither through RAships, TAships, or fellowships, and the majority of reputable programs aren't "pay as you go."

Edited by Usmivka
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If you are getting a masters, there is less likely to be funding, the funding mentioned is pretty much a guarentee for a PhD. You should look at each master program individual to see what kind of funding is available, don't assume all of them have funding

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Ok cool. I'm definately not trying to get a PhD, so hopefully I can find a MS program in micro where I can do an RA, TA or fellowship. I'm not planning to apply to Harvard or anywhere terribly prestigious. I'm not sure how competative of an applicant I'll be, but hopefully I can find someone to pay for a Masters degree lol. That's not to say that I'm a bad candidate, but I'm not one of the super competative ones. I don't have research experience, but I have a pretty good GPA, two BS degrees, some pretty good recommendations, and a few years of work experience. Unless someone invents a time machine in the next few months, that's what I'll have to work with. Here's hoping!

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