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To the person who was accepted at Patriot Bible University

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This is a cross post from the graduate board.



I was scanning the admissions results when Patriot Bible University popped up. Something didn't ring true to me, so I googled it. The obvious give away is the .com and .org extensions on the homesite. And sure enough, wikipedia states it is uncredited and possibly a diploma mill. http://en.wikipedia....ible_University


To that person who submitted those results, please, please check them out first BEFORE you pay for your tuition. I may be wrong but I thought you should at least investigate the possibility!


Good luck.




"Aristotle developed the 'Scale of Being.' He believed in reincarnation which teaches that after death you would return to earth as a new being, either higher or lower, depending on how you behaved during your present life."




As a native Coloradan, I am sad to say that I have seen this in person. I can't stop laughing that this exists, though. Thank you for this!


It's sad for sure, for any international out there, be aware of "universities" with .com or .org addresses. Accredited American universities should have a .edu extension.


It looks as if there is only a 24 hour delay between application to the university and one's acceptence. Credit card details appear to be submitted before "acceptence" which possibly means the scammers have already debited the credit card upon notification of admission. Sad.

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