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I want to study applied ethics, but it is hard to find where to apply.


I'm intereste in food ethics, robot ethics, and plant ethics.


For normative or meta one, I want to study moral agent, and area of ethics-I mean, how far does it take in ethics boundary-.






APPLIED ETHICS Group 1 (1-7):  rounded mean of 4.0 (median, mode)
Duke University (3.5, 3.5)
Georgetown University (3.75, 3.5)
Harvard University (4, 5)
Oxford University (4.5, 5)
Princeton University (4, 4)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (4, 4)
University of Colorado, Boulder (4, 4)
Group 2 (8-17):  rounded mean of 3.5 (median, mode)
New York University (3.5, 4 & 3)
Rice University (3.5, 3.5)
Stanford University (3.25, 4)
University of Arizona (4, 4)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (3.5, 3.5)
University of Pennsylvania (3.5, 2)
University of Toronto (3.5, 3)
University of Utah (3.25, 3)
Washington University in St. Louis (3.5, 3.5)
Yale University (3.75, 4 & 3.5)
Group 3 (18-38): rounded mean of 3.0 (median, mode)
Australian National University (3.5, 3.5)
*Bowling Green State University
City University of New York Graduate Center (3, 2.75)
London School of Economics (3, 3)
*Loyola University, Chicago
Queen’s University (Canada) (3.25, 3.5)
Syracuse University (3, 3.25)
#Texas A&M University
#University at Albany, State University of New York
University of California, Los Angeles (3, 2.75)
University of California, Riverside (2.75, 3.5)
University of Chicago (3, 3)
University of Maryland, College Park (3, 2.75)
University of Melbourne (3.5, 3.75)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (3, 3.5)
*University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame (3, 3)
*University of Oregon
University of St. Andrews/University of Stirling Joint Program (2.75, 2.5)
University of Virginia (3, 3)
University of Wisconsin, Madison (3, 2.75)

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