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Environmental Policy programs in Europe?


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The MSc in Environmental Change and Management at Oxford is probably the best program. Oxford has other environmental policy programs as well, namely the MSc in Nature, Society and Environmental Policy. That said, the former will offer more professional skills.


And, if you would consider staying in the US, the best programs are at Duke and Yale.

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Hmm aren´t they Indiana and Columbia?


The U.S. News rankings for this field -- and many fields, really -- aren't reliable. Neither of the environment schools at Duke or Yale are even included (e.g. it's Duke's public policy school listed in the Environmental Policy and Management subfield).


SPEA at Indiana and SIPA at Columbia are fine, as are plenty of other programs, but the consensus top two are almost always F&ES at Yale and Nicholas at Duke.

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Thanks all. Oxford and Edinburgh sound amazing....but I'm worried I won't get in. My stats are horrible:

Undergrad 13 years ago with 2.4 GPA
Took 2 Fletcher classes in 2009 and got A- in both (planning to take 2 Harvard classes this summer)
I have no work or volunteer experience in environmental policy field

I'm 35

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Europe is a lot more academically focused than the US, they usually have a minimum GPA, for edinburgh it is 3.3, for oxford 3.7 and although they sometimes bend this rule, it is hard to get them to do it!, try ceu, it is a fairly new school, doesn´t require gre and they have some cool classes....if not I would try talking to the people at spea indiana or minnesota and see what should I do to increase those stats, another idea might simple be to do a new bachelors in europe (they are only 3 years) in environmental policy!

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What is your work experience in? Generally, admissions committees will give less credence to academic records the further you get from your time in school. Completing classes now and doing well is helpful, too.


MPPgal is right in saying that most European programs are stricter with GPA requirements. Honestly, with a strong GRE score (to demonstrate your academic capabilities) and some environmental experience (in the short-term -- like a volunteering gig or internship), you could improve your chances for domestic programs.


Any specific areas of environmental policy that interest you? That can also narrow it down.

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