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Maybe after they update the applyyourself website tomorrow all of our statuses will change? Probably not, I can't see how, but still? I vacillate between wanting an answer and closure and wanting to keep my tidbit of a sliver of hope alive.

Are they really?

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Are they really?

Yeah, the website has had this message on it the past few days: Due to system maintenance, the Graduate School online application will be unavailable Thursday, April 2nd, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.

It just sounds like a software update to me, but who knows?

I just saw a rejection via snail mail in the results page. My rejection wasn't there yesterday, maybe today?


I got that same exact confusing email. Have we agreed to read this as a rejection or is it more like "you're on the bottom of the waiting list"? And also, is there any final date? To those of you that replied to this email for clarification, did you get any?

Did I miss something? What email?

Quoted from post above.....

"While your application was well received by the committee, it did not make the top tier of our rankings. Because we only admit applicants with funding; we will not know if a teaching assistantship will be available for a couple more weeks."


Oh, okay *that* email. I thought for a fleeting moment there that another email might have circulated. Of course, that would require actual communication from the department :roll:


Hey guys, I think I've parceled something together from hanging around the department. I don't know how many of you are *still* waiting, but here it is anyway:

The school doesn't want to accept people they can't offer TA spots to. The first-round admissions (for MAs anyway) are being asked to commit to accepting or rejecting the TA spots by April 7 (tomorrow), although you can contact the department to ask for an extension to April 15 since that's the deadline for accepting the department in general. After April 7, I *think* (and this is where we're in my conjectures...) that they are going to start sending offers to an unofficial waitlist. This is, in my opinion, completely unfair--they should just have an official waitlist and be done with it. However, I think they're still not exactly sure how much funding they will have and they want to accept as many people as possible, so they're not sure how long the waitlist should be...It's a lousy excuse, but it's the only one I have for them.

Just so you all know, I was talking to one of my profs who said that this year's Purdue English adcom was rejecting people they would have killed to accept in years past. This economy is screwing everyone, and many many many qualified grad school candidates are getting bad news for no other reason than funds. I know it's empty comfort, but I can only say it made me feel a little less like all my rejections were my fault.

If any other news comes my way I'll let you know!


piccgeek, thanks for the info. At this point, any sliver of information is better than none. Since I haven't been rejected outright and there is no official waitlist, I'm going to tell myself (and anyone that asks) I was waitlisted at Purdue. That takes the sting out somewhat, if not completely truthful. :twisted:


This is actually really helpful. I feel better. But at the same time you've slightly renewed my hopes, and right now I just shouldn't even think about it anymore. URG! Why?


Thanks Picc, you have proved a valuable insider. I hope I get in because that is what you basically just promised me. So kidding, but thanks.

Will this message self-destruct?


I got that same e-mail. I have thought about e-mailing one of the professors there that I have talked with before and asking him for more information, but that might be a bad idea.


Dang. No email for me. I can't help but conclude I'm off the list 'cuz this whole experience has flipped me from optimist to pessimist. I'm going to still say I'm waitlisted because I haven't heard anything else, and it helps my soul. Good luck to the rest of you!



Should not expect to hear until next week according to email i just got.

Did you just get an email out of the blue? Or was it in response to a query?


Just to clarify, the e-mail I got from Jill Quirk was as a result of me asking her for more information. I don't think she sent out email as any kind of quasi-official mailing.

I asked in an earlier post and would like to ask again...do you think asking a professor about the process would be a mistake?


Hey Tug,

Thanks for clarifying :

Just to clarify, the e-mail I got from Jill Quirk was as a result of me asking her for more information. I don't think she sent out email as any kind of quasi-official mailing.

I asked in an earlier post and would like to ask again...do you think asking a professor about the process would be a mistake?

As for checking with a professor... I think you might be better off letting the chips fall where they may. I had a conversation just this week with my own esteemed DGS regarding a similar question and he recommended against it. I take his advice as sage. Of course, if you have some kind of working relationship with said professor(s) or have been interviewed by them, then I assume that they would be less put off by an inquiry.

Good luck and *seriously* thank you for clearing the air on how that email initiated.


It's also a sin to do the ol' assume game like I did, so no worries. I emailed Jill shortly thereafter to get some closure and got the same basic message, should know next week, still under consideration. To quote Tom Petty, "I can't decide which is worse," outright rejection or dangling on the line. I'm going to take it as good news but meanwhile I'll be developing a Plan E.


Well. So much for Purdue. My rejection letter came in the mail today. The letter was dated April 6th. I'm trying not to get down... but it's pretty freakin' hard.


I'm so sorry Muffinlit. At least now, we can all start bracing ourselves. It seems the letters are in the mail :( :shock: :? :roll:

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