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Georgetown MA in English

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I have confirmed that the first round of funding offers already went out. We're all waiting for people to decline, now.


Sigh. Thanks for the update.


I wish they'd tell us what they consider to be a successful applicant in terms of receiving funding. I know some universities have algorithms, and I just wish I knew whether Georgetown has an algorithm or how they decide who deserves funding vs. who doesn't. 


I certainly plan on asking some version of that if I don't receive any funding. I'll let you know what I hear.

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Woo! Just got a Georgetown acceptance! No funding as of yet, but I'm remaining hopeful! Does anyone know how people who aren't funded make this work? Tons of debt?


Congrats! Yea, I assume most would have to take out loans (barring any sort of significant savings accounts). I highly doubt a job, or even two, would be able to cover tuition and living in D.C. 

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Hey everyone! I received my acceptance on the 20th and also was told that the first round of funding offers were all made. Does anyone know if the department provides funding of any sort other than the ones listed on their website? Also, I read on the financial aid website that for grad students the average cost (direct + indirect expenses) is about $67,000 per year. This seemed like a ridiculous amount to me but I was wondering what other people thought of this number. I also was wondering...is it just me or do the contacts seem like they want to avoid giving information? So far I have spoken to three professors, including Ortiz, and all are extremely slow in their responses to emails and seem to prefer referring me to someone else to have questions answered. I'm sorry if I'm sounding really negative. I was just really excited to be accepted into this program but just have been bummed out because of the lack of communication and attention to my questions. But congratulations everyone!

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Just got this letter...so guess I won't be going to Georgetown.





As March draws to a close, we would like to thank you for your patience as we worked through the gradual and complex process of making funding offers. We were very impressed with the breadth of talent and promise shown by this year's group of admitted students, but unfortunately we aren't able offer these opportunities to every qualified candidate.  
At this point, you should know that we have made all our initial offers of funding to other students. While not all of these offers have been finalized, it may be a good idea for you to consider alternative means of funding your education at Georgetown.
We are committed to doing everything we can to make it possible for you to enroll. Your most valuable resource may be our current students, who can speak with you about how they fund their studies and support themselves here. I am happy to connect you with these students, so please let me know if you are interested in speaking with them.
You should also be in touch with the staff at the Office of Student Financial Services about financial aid options and on-campus employment opportunities.
Finally, please let me or Prof. Ortiz know if you have any questions at all about the program, Georgetown, or living in DC. Your application was excellent, and we would be thrilled if you could join us in the fall.
All the best,
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Hm, I didn't get that email.  Perhaps I'll get it sometime later today, but if not, maybe that means I'm on a wait list for funding?  I was told I was "a very strong candidate for funding" in my acceptance email, though others received the same line without being offered any support.

Edited by Two Espressos
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Sorry, guys.


I didn't receive the email yet, though unless it was a mass mailing I expect it will take a while to notify everyone. I have a fully funded M.A. offer and a Ph.D. wait list, so I won't be attending Georgetown unless funded. 

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If there's anyone on this board who got funding this year, and would be willing to PM me to tell me what your application materials looked like, that would be helpful in terms of me seeing how I can improve my chances. Thanks.

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Well, I finally received a response to the email inquiry I sent over two weeks ago. Nothing is finalized but it's unlikely I'll receive funding from Georgetown. If I "received a funded offer from another institution," I should consider taking it. I did, and I will. So long, D.C.


Best of luck to those still waiting!

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Hello all,


I just received a funded offer from my top choice, so I'll be declining my spot at Georgetown.  Best of luck to those waiting for funding or otherwise!


Eep! Congrats! Best of luck, Two Espressos.

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Hey everyone! I received my acceptance on the 20th and also was told that the first round of funding offers were all made. Does anyone know if the department provides funding of any sort other than the ones listed on their website? Also, I read on the financial aid website that for grad students the average cost (direct + indirect expenses) is about $67,000 per year. This seemed like a ridiculous amount to me but I was wondering what other people thought of this number. I also was wondering...is it just me or do the contacts seem like they want to avoid giving information? So far I have spoken to three professors, including Ortiz, and all are extremely slow in their responses to emails and seem to prefer referring me to someone else to have questions answered. I'm sorry if I'm sounding really negative. I was just really excited to be accepted into this program but just have been bummed out because of the lack of communication and attention to my questions. But congratulations everyone!


I think the $67,000 is somewhat realistic, but it depends on your lifestyle. A one bedroom apartment near Georgetown, for example, will easily cost you in excess of $1600 a month; even with a roommate, living near campus is likely to be in the $1000/month range. D.C. is a really expensive city.

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