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What to do??


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So I got into my hometown MPA program with a 10k scholarship (Evans School - U of Washington). I also got into NYU Wagner and the Luskin School at UCLA, but got no awards at either institution. The prospects of living in NYC or LA are very tempting after growing up and completing my undergrad here in Seattle but the financial benefits of staying home make so much sense. Any advice or take on my situation? Thanks.

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Although I understand what you are saying about moving on to a new city, everyone I've spoken with in academia has unequivocally said DONT GO INTO DEBT FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL!  Perhaps going into a bit of debt for an MPA program is slightly different than doing the same for something in the humanities or social sciences, but if you can save money by living at home why not?  Unless you would go crazy living with your parents (if thats what you mean by "staying home"), then I vote for the hometown MPA.  Btw, congrats! :)

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Tough call. I too am applying to MPA programs; the last of which I have to hear from is UW Evans actually. To avoid the temptation of staying put (I am from Minnesota) I only applied to schools that were on the west coast. That said, now that we are coming closer to decision time I find myself worrying more and more about the financial burden. I am in at USC with a half tuition scholarship and this is my number one choice by my eyes are starting to wander to other lesser known programs to which I have been admitted because they have somewhat lower costs. At the end of the day though I think I am going to choose USC (or potentially UW if they give me money). It’s the program that fits me best and in a location that I could see myself living after graduation. Go where you think you will be happiest and get the most out of your degree. I would hate to think that I would make a decision that would detrimentally effect my contentment over money. Obviously it plays a major factor but in my opinion it shouldn’t be the deciding factor.  

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Agreed that you should do what makes you happiest but also agreed that people say not to go into debt for grad school UNLESS you are sure to make the money back quickly.  Does NYU or UCLA give you an edge in your field?  Is there a possibility you would make more with those degrees?  Do people frown upon doing both undergrad and grad work at the same institution in your field?  If not, I'd stay home.  If it was a yes to any/all of those, I would investigate my options more.

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auburndawg: How long after your UW acceptance email did you recieve one regarding funding? I received my acceptance email today and it says they will send out additional emails to those who will receive funding of some sort. I just want to know how long to keep my hopes up.



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