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I was accepted into NYU (Courant) MS CS and Penn's MCIT. If I do the latter, my goal would be to transfer into the traditional MS in CIS (technically, it is done as a dual degree, and one graduates with both MSs). Do people have any thoughts on either of these? I'm mainly interested in Machine learning, NLP, amongst other areas.

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Wouldn't you just do better to go straight for the MS?  From what I've heard, MCIT is really a bridge program and can't TRULY stand on its own.  So, having the two MSs, IMO, really wouldn't do you a bit of good.  It's like having an associate's degree + BA (in the same subject) vs. a BA only.  With the exception of financial reasons, why bother?  I mean, are Penn's profs 900% better than NYU's?  Are they throwing money at you?  Is the alumni network 50x's better?  I think you should start looking at those types of factors.

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Chai_latte, thank you for your response. That is my general sense as well. Just wanted to see if there were any differing views out there. Both are the same for me in terms of cost, and I'm not too concerned about the benefits of the Penn alumni network, because I attended Penn for undergrad. I think this answers my question...Thanks!

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jpc123, I'm also applying to the MCIT course, but I'm still waiting for an answer. When have you applied?


About your problem, I completely agree with Chai_latte’s remarks.

Edited by psamora
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psamora, I applied for fall 2013 (had my app in by march 1st) and heard back about a week ago. I will probably be accepting the NYU admission and inform MCIT asap, so that my spot can be given to others.

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psamora, I applied for fall 2013 (had my app in by march 1st) and heard back about a week ago. I will probably be accepting the NYU admission and inform MCIT asap, so that my spot can be given to others.


Hello jpc123. If you don't mind, may I ask what your undergrad major was and how you scored on the GRE? I applied on March 15th and want to weigh my chances of getting accepted. 


Also, did you already post the result to the "admission results" page?


Thank you in advance. 

Edited by subwaymatch
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  • 1 year later...

I was accepted into NYU (Courant) MS CS and Penn's MCIT. If I do the latter, my goal would be to transfer into the traditional MS in CIS (technically, it is done as a dual degree, and one graduates with both MSs). Do people have any thoughts on either of these? I'm mainly interested in Machine learning, NLP, amongst other areas.



I'm in a similar situation and am deciding between NYU MSCS and Upenn MCIT. I'm interested in ML and AI as well. I guess Courant Institute has an upside in applied math and NYU's program would allow students to take more related courses in ML, AI or NLP, while Upenn's MCIT primarily focuses on foundations. However, if students could continue to go for a normal MSE degree, then the situations will be much similar between the two. It's really a hard comparison. Where did you do finally? 

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