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Princeton Stanford or Caltech?


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Hey guys, I got admission and fellowship from Princeton EE, Stanford MSE and Caltech Materials Science.

Now I am totally confused about which school fits me best. Since I am an international student, I have got little chance to visit those schools. Could you guys give me some advice on that problem, especially on the future career situation(such as possible future job and salary etc.) there? Thanks a lot.

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I would go to Stanford or Caltech. Princeton's name doesn't really carry as much weight in the Engineering industry. I work for a pretty big MEMS company in the US and as far as name recognition goes Stanford, MIT and Berkeley are above all the highest when it comes to recruiting. I don't necessarily agree with that methodology (you should pick the best candidate, not a name), but it is what it is.

So my opinion...

1. Stanford

2. Caltech

3. Princeton

It also depends on your research interests matching the groups at each university. You don't want to get stuck working on a project you have no interest on. Good luck with your decision and with your graduate work.

P.S. California = much better weather

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Thanks for your opinion, yacobito.

Yet I think you might compare EE program among those schools. Does anyone know what is the future situation for MSE graduates in Stanford? Actually I would like to explore the field of energy materials the most. Is that direction good to prepare me as an engineer in US? Thanks!

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