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I once wrote a paper about how hot sauce consumption is a display of masculinity, males try to assert that dominance by consuming the hottest possible hot sauce. Look around for the Sociology of hot sauce, I think there's a few articles out there from professors at Emory and Kentucky.


Shoot.  It must be a google-cached page or something.  Try this: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CFMQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Flivingtextblog.andosciasociology.net%2F2011%2F10%2F13%2Fthe-hot-sauce-mom-on-drphil%2F&ei=qDOHUbrZJcaiqQHDk4HYBQ&usg=AFQjCNEu9kVTwybFlWVSX6dNrXcRtDNoHw&bvm=bv.45960087,d.aWM&cad=rja


Frankly I'm surprised at the lack of scholarship on hot sauce, given its obvious relevance to an array of issues in current literature.  We can correct this situation.  Excelsior. 


Did anybody else read the part of that article where the author nonchalantly mentioned that her mother hit her in the face with a switch repeatedly? 

In regards to your concern about hot sauce in literature: I think the current lack of hot sauce in academia can be related to current discourse regarding food politicization.. freedom means being able to eat literally whatever you want, I know personally that when a waiter or waitress asks me if I would like hot sauce, I see it as a personal attack to my freedom. 


Tell me about it.  There is a tacit Bland Culture that continually reinforces for people that spicy enchiladas, curry, and even Flamin' Hot Cheetos are completely off limits -- not just for consumption, but for academic discussion.  It's despicable, and clearly the result of a long tradition of food microaggressions in the occident. 

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