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SAIS: Switching first year campus?

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I was accepted to the Bologna campus for my first year of SAIS and I am considering switching campuses so that I could be in DC both years. Originally, I was really excited about studying in Italy for a year (I actually have already studied in Bologna during my undergrad --it's a great town), but now my boyfriend and I have gotten quite serious and I feel like it would really hurt the relationship if I ran off to Italy for a year. I called the Admissions Office and they said that the campuses are organized by numbers, so if I wanted to change then it could only happen if someone else wanted to switch from the DC campus to Bologna.

I was wondering if anyone else here was considering switching DC to Bologna or if anyone had been successful in this in the past. Thoughts? Would anyone that was accepted to DC like to spend a year in Italy?


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I can't say that the thought hadn't crossed my mind. Any idea what the tuition cost difference is? Also, classes are still in English, unlike the Nanking center, right? I can read and speak Italian, but not well enough to take all of my classes in Italian.

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All the classes are in English and the tuition is pretty much the same, but charged in euros. It's 28,200 euros as opposed to $34,505 in Washington, if the exchange rate goes above $1.35=euro then SAIS has a mechanism to make sure that you never pay more than that tuition at that exchange rate. If the exchange rate is less than 1.35/euro than you pay the regular equivalent.

The info on the tuition and the exchange rate logistics is here: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/admissions/admi ... Letter.pdf

The letter about Bologna that comes in the acceptance package is here: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/admissions/admi ... Fall09.pdf

Let me know if there are more questions or if anyone else is interested!

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  • 2 weeks later...

HEY!!!!! *screaming out of joy*

I got accepted to the DC campus for the entry in fall 2009, and I'm hoping to switch into the Bologna program. However, I'm planning on taking a year off before entering SAIS, which means your spot in Bologna and my spot in DC might not get swapped...

I emailed the admissions office about my request, and I was told that I will have to send in a "campus reconsideration letter." Have you done this yet? I'm assuming there's no specific format for the letter?

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  • 1 year later...

Hey all, I know this post is a year old, but has anyone been able to switch their first year campus location at SAIS ? I am currently an admitted student trying to do the same for the FALL 2010 semester, and have just contacted the admissions department. Personal situation can change drastically from when you apply, and I hope maybe switching campuses might be allowed for certain circumstances.

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  • 1 year later...

Any idea about the conditions or circumstances under which this could be possible? Was allocated a fellowship from Bologna (which I assume I'll lose if tranfer), but also received a Fulbright graduate grant, which isn't applicable to Italy ofc. Weighing my options now. 

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Any idea about the conditions or circumstances under which this could be possible? Was allocated a fellowship from Bologna (which I assume I'll lose if tranfer), but also received a Fulbright graduate grant, which isn't applicable to Italy ofc. Weighing my options now. 


I am not sure about the conditions however I heard from last year students that they were given more money for SAIS Europe and that they could choose.

However, as I was assigned only to SAIS Europe I believe I need reasons such as better campus for my concentration or personal issues that bound me to DC.

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I am not sure about the conditions however I heard from last year students that they were given more money for SAIS Europe and that they could choose.

However, as I was assigned only to SAIS Europe I believe I need reasons such as better campus for my concentration or personal issues that bound me to DC.


Ah, I only applied to Bologna as I didn't take the GRE as an international student, so don't know what effect that would have. Will check in with the admissions office and post when I hear anything!

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Ah, I only applied to Bologna as I didn't take the GRE as an international student, so don't know what effect that would have. Will check in with the admissions office and post when I hear anything!


Yes, please! I am international as well. 


What makes me struggle is that studying at SAIS Europe has a lot of advantages (smaller community, proximity to many countries, students really party a lot). Moreover, this year there will be the 60th anniversary celebration of the Bologna Center.

However, being Italian makes DC far more attractive.

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I also contacted the admissions office regarding this request. They said it's granted only in very rare circumstances, so we'll see. I was only assigned to Bologna for the first year, but I feel it would be completely unhelpful for my professional development goals. My selected concentration was international law and organizations, and Bologna should for all intents and purposes be great for that. Except for the fact that I've already spent the last two years working in an international law firm and building up contacts and professional development opportunities. Going to Bologna for a year would take me away from the internship and professional dev. opportunities I've cultivated through work contacts in nyc and dc. I doubt the request will be granted, but we'll see.

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Was told that yes, I could switch campus, this was no problem. This might be because I have a Fulbright scholarship, so they might treat it differently. However, I received a named fellowship to Bologna, which I then could not take with me to DC. So actually I'm still undecided. They did forward my request to the DC office and I *might* receive some financial aid there, but they were very careful not to say too much about it. 

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They are definitely pretty tight lipped about this. I spoke with the Director of Admissions and he said my request was being reviewed, but not much else. I've heard mixed reviews about the Bologna campus, so I guess they wouldn't exactly make it easy for students to jump between the two campuses.

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Was told that yes, I could switch campus, this was no problem. This might be because I have a Fulbright scholarship, so they might treat it differently. However, I received a named fellowship to Bologna, which I then could not take with me to DC. So actually I'm still undecided. They did forward my request to the DC office and I *might* receive some financial aid there, but they were very careful not to say too much about it. 


Did you give them reasons?

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Did you give them reasons?


No more than I've written here already. Only reason why I'm even considering the option is because of the Fulbright. Will eventually depend on finances too. I don't want it to seem as if this is something which is dealt with very lightly or that they just honor every request. Think it's difficult to establish some sort of line in this. 

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