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About real analysis


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Hi,all. I am an international student in my first year of a MS program in a top 15 biostat department , and I am considering to go for a PhD degree seriously. Based on the info I found online, real analysis seems to be pretty significant and strongly recommended by some top biostat programs. Well, in my specific case, my courses taken in the first year are really fixed, and I would not have extra credits to take real analysis(not required by my MS program) until the second fall semester, by which i will have already started my PhD app. Will taking this course still be helpful even if I might not be able to submit the final grade of it when I apply?


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Yes. As long as its on your transcripts it will be helpful. Though, my feeling a A in real analysis (not an easy feat if its given the upper division care that many math departments love to pour on unsuspecting undergraduates) would carry significant weight. I would take it none the less, as it was one of the most interesting and frustrating math classes I ever took. 

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Yes. As long as its on your transcripts it will be helpful. Though, my feeling a A in real analysis (not an easy feat if its given the upper division care that many math departments love to pour on unsuspecting undergraduates) would carry significant weight. I would take it none the less, as it was one of the most interesting and frustrating math classes I ever took. 

Thank you. How I wish I were able to take this in the following spring semester...

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