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I think my apartment complex is infested with zombies


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All morning, I have heard a serious of loud bumps coming from the apartment below me, and someone just made a loud, "oahhhhhhh" noise a la old zombie movies. I think they might be coming for my brains.

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All morning, I have heard a serious of loud bumps coming from the apartment below me, and someone just made a loud, "oahhhhhhh" noise a la old zombie movies. I think they might be coming for my brains.

Hmm are you sure it's zombies? It could be a certain kind of fiend ;)

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Well, I was hoping it was old-school zombies, because I'm on the second floor and they usually have a hell of a time with stairs; fiends, however, would be tragic. Unless it was really just old Mr. McKnight in a mask, trying to scare away business so that he can buy the whole complex cheap. That would also be acceptable.

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You should probably saw a hole in your floor and fashion a periscope out of a video camera and a rod of some sort so that you can look around and see what the deal is. In fact, I think you would be remiss not to take this approach. Otherwise, how else will you know if it is zombies, fiends, or Ol' Mr. McKnight?

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I completely agree with the periscope idea, but right now I'm a little busy hemming a pair of sweat pants (priorities, people: fashion first, protecting brains second) to construct a spycam. Perhaps I should just go the easy route and attach a web cam to my dog, and send him over to explore. I don't think zombies or fiends eat dogs, and Ol' Mr. McKnight will quiver with fear that he will be unmasked by a canine-led crime fighting team.

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Yeah, hasn't he had problems with similar crime-fighting squads in the past? However, if it is, in fact, zombies, it depends on what kind of zombies they are. If they are the new school kind, as seen in the documentary "I Am Legend" then the dogs are just as at-risk, and are much more adept at stair-climbing.

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the documentary "I Am Legend"

But we all know that more modern zombies, like those features in I Am Legend and 28 Days Later, don't make needing-brains-moaning sounds, so I think these are the older, slower, human-brain-eating-only variety.

I am in such a silly mood today.

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You know, did you consider that it could be that rare species of zombie, zombus comedium, chronicled in "Shaun of the Dead" or did you overlook that possibility? If that is the case, you might consider inviting them in for tea. I believe zombies from that area of the world like to take their tea in the mid-afternoon around 2-ish.

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