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MPA applications are in....


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After a hasty and failed attempt at trying to get into gradschool last year (MBAs with nonprofit specializations), I decided to give it a go again  this year and I applied to programs that were more appropriate for my goals (public administration).  I'm interested in non-profit management, arts management/administration, and cultural policy.  So far, I've applied to 5 schools, most of which had February 1 deadlines.  I missed a couple of deadlines that were in December for some other programs, but that's okay.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  If accepted anywhere, I'd have to get funding.  My GREs aren't too great.  I'm horrible at standardized tests and I already have a masters in another field.  I've been working abroad for the pat 3 years. Good letters of rec and a strong SOP and resume. Let the waiting begin!


Indiana MPA-MAAA (nonprofit and arts administration dual degrees)

Pitt MPA

UGA MPA (nonprofit)

Syracuse MPA

GA State MPA


Anyone else applying for MPA programs?  Any words of wisdom?

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I applied to MPP in 4 schools and all the admission deadlines were January 15th.


University of Michigan

University of Kentucky

University of Missouri

I am sure you will make it to one of yours. My GRE was not that terrible but it could have been better. I have been working for 3 years now and I was also considering going to an MPA program but I changed my mind because I realize that I wanted to be much more quantitative than qualitative fox. I realize that you are interested in Cultural policy, I think you may need to consider more schools.

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