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Deferment vs Employment


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In a nutshell, my boss has convinced himself that I am going to defer grad school to open a new office for the company.  The new location is closer to family and would force my husband to quit his job (that he likes, not to mention at which he just received a promotion).  I am not sure if there is going to be an increase in salary - most likely - and I have been promised a more regular schedule.  I like what I do and have been here 3 years.

This is a great opportunity, but do you think that it is worth putting off grad school for another year if/when I am accepted?  Will another year benefit me in addition to my Masters or is it superfluous? 

I don't feel that I can make a well-informed decision until after I hear back from my Master Programs, but my boss wants me to begin moving in late Feb/early March.  There is only one local school, so the others would make us move anyway. 

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