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University of Maryland - Responses

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Hey allllll! I just got some news. My professor emailed us about a new recruit as of tonight, so Maryland is definitely still admitting folks!

Does this new recruit know yet that he/she is a new recruit? ;)

I'm crossing my fingers, but I have the feeling I'm not going to be one of those lucky few. Any idea on whether the admissions folks are working on getting responses out today? Everyone seems to be snowed in. (I live in Alexandria and work in Fairfax.) I have no idea whether admissions folks telecommute or work through snow or what.

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Does this new recruit know yet that he/she is a new recruit? ;)

I'm crossing my fingers, but I have the feeling I'm not going to be one of those lucky few. Any idea on whether the admissions folks are working on getting responses out today? Everyone seems to be snowed in. (I live in Alexandria and work in Fairfax.) I have no idea whether admissions folks telecommute or work through snow or what.

Gosh, I hope so! Or else my "Congrats!" email will be the first she's heard of it. Ha! 


UMD is super super closed today. The DGS (Ralph) has been the one making the calls, and while he does most of his DGS work in the office, I have no idea if he'll be making calls from home today. My guess is no because everyone was pretty excited about the snow-induced "long weekend!" 

Are you snowed in today? I'm in DC, and we got maybe a foot of snow. I am stoked about the snow day, but my dog is pretty sure it's the apocalypse. 

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Gosh, I hope so! Or else my "Congrats!" email will be the first she's heard of it. Ha! 


UMD is super super closed today. The DGS (Ralph) has been the one making the calls, and while he does most of his DGS work in the office, I have no idea if he'll be making calls from home today. My guess is no because everyone was pretty excited about the snow-induced "long weekend!" 

Are you snowed in today? I'm in DC, and we got maybe a foot of snow. I am stoked about the snow day, but my dog is pretty sure it's the apocalypse.

Haha! Oh my god. Well, that tells me I'm not this new recruit! But it would be rather hilarious if the first word she received was a congrats from another grad student!

Yep, we're snowed in too. There's at least a foot out there. It's higher than my corgi's legs go, so he's hating it.

All the schools I applied to are in the DC area, so I don't think I'll be hearing anything for the rest of the week. (Not that I expected to hear from GW or Catholic this week... but still.)

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Interesting! A friend of mine is doing a film studies PhD at University of Delaware. He seems to really like it.

I wonder if they've accepted any medievalists yet, or if they plan to do so. Then again, I also wonder how they make decisions. Do they lump together candidates in different fields and then select from those groupings? Gah. I'm overthinking it.

I still haven't heard back from any schools. It would be lovely to start getting some decisions back.

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I have a bud who does medieval/queer studies, and the lucky son of a gun got in to UT. Of course, he totally deserves it!


It seems a lot of programs process candidates the way you describe above, but I'm sure that's not always the case. I know Ohio State does that for sure.


I'm sorry you're still waiting to hear from folks. I'm sure that's quite the torture. I was lucky and got my first acceptance back in January. But I would definitely still hold out hope for MD if I were you. The vibe I got from the DGS was that the acceptances and waitlists are in flux till April 15. I don't think the department concretizes their decisions from the get-go in the way that some other programs do.

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I know most of you are Lit, but what's the perception of C/R at Maryland? I had a heavy push to apply, but after living in the state for nearly 30 years I decided to explore out of state schools for my next step. That said, my folks are around 70, so I may decide to come home if I don't get a PhD admit and just do my MA now?

I've had the chance to get to know a prof who occasionally works with the Lit folks (she's primarily Women's Studies) but I really don't know anything about the program (which is particularly sad since I'm finishing my BA at a state school)

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It's da bomb. I actually found an email describing rhetoric and composition at Maryland to a friend from last semester, so I'll just paste that here. Updates/corrections are in brackets. 


"I am in the PhD in English program, but I'm on the rhet/comp track. Maryland gives all English students tons of freedom when it comes to creating our course schedule, so I am able to take classes that interest me. Right now, I'm taking Digital Rhetoric, Approaches to College Composition, and Engendering Rhetorical Power. Next semester won't be as awesome-- an admitted fault is the lack of course offerings in Rhet/Comp. [However, you'll find that this is a problem even at bigger rhet/comp programs.] I think I'll take a Women's Studies course (it counts towards my English course requirements AND the WGS Certificate), history of rhetoric, and potentially a course in the communications department. So, I have to be creative. [Note: this semester, I am taking Visual Rhetoric (a seminar in the Comm department), an independent study on the history of women's rhetoric with Shirley Logan (!!!!), and Foundations of Rhetoric (an undergrad class I'm sitting in on and doing extra work for graduate credit.] 


So this brings me to the crux of your questions: why Maryland? Even more importantly, why a school with a small Rhet/ comp program [we accept 1-2 rhet/comp PhD students each year, and 1-2 MA rhet/comp students] over four other schools with established, recognized Rhet/comp programs?


The answer is complex, but I'll try to keep it brief. First off, Maryland had the most faculty with whom I wanted to work. And even better, the faculty I was most interested in were all in the early parts of their careers. I say this because some of the draws to other programs were either retiring or starting to retire. I wanted to work with faculty who weren't going to retire and who were still actively working on their research. You'll notice that even though Maryland's rhet/comp program is smaller than others, they actually have a big faculty. This semester, I am working with Scott Wible, Jess Enoch, and Melanie Kill. My chief mentor is Jane Donawerth. Shirley Logan is the Associate Chair of the department, and we also have Vessela V., who is on leave through a grant from NEH. [Note: we also just got a new hire with an emphasis on cross-cultural rhetoric and writing program administration. He's amazing.] I want to work with all of these people in some way, so that was an obvious draw to the program. And even though everyone has different interests, there is a common thread of pedagogy and social change that runs through the group. I met some faculty during the visit, and Skype with others who were at C's during the visit. They were all brilliant and friendly at the same time. I just felt an instant connection.


Also, Maryland has great resources. All [PhD] students have a first year fellowship, so I can take a bunch of classes and not worry about teaching. This helps me stay on track with the five year plan. They had the biggest financial package, but of course, that is off set by the high of living here in DC. In addition to the first year fellowship, the English Department here offers $800/year for conference travel for up to two years, plus the College also kicks in funding after that. Maryland is also in the DC Consortium, so I can take classes at Gallaudet, Georgetown, or George Washington, if I wish. [i am currently taking ASL courses at Gallaudet, and will continue to in the summer. I just applied for summer funding, so I'm crossing my fingers that my language study will be covered!]. Another perk of living near DC is the Library of Congress. [i'll be going there next week to access their news photos for my visual rhetoric class.]


Okay, so that's faculty, funding, and teaching load... Additionally, Maryland had a high placement rate for their rhet/comp grads; it was comparable with the larger name rhet/comp programs. Also, the perk of having a small cohort is that administrative opportunities aren't competitive. Assistant Directing the Academic Writing Program, the Professional Writing program, or the Writing Center are gigs that are open and available to any rhet/comp students who want to partake. Plus, I feel like I'm part of two cohorts: the tight knit rhet/comp folks and the larger PhD in English cohort. I spend lots of time with the lit students in my cohort, and they are great."


Lemme know if you have any questions! Also, although the MA is unfunded, some of the MA students have graduate assistantships through other programs, so it is possible to get funding-- just not guaranteed. 


ETA: The English Department website is notoriously difficult to navigate, so here is a list of rhet/comp faculty. The new hire is super new, so it hasn't been updated yet. 

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Looks like Maryland's a no-go for me since they apparently notified their top 20, but congrats to all who got good news from them!


Proflorax -- thank you for introducing me to the program way back when () but now I am sad that I can't join you and your awesome cohort  :P

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Looks like Maryland's a no-go for me since they apparently notified their top 20, but congrats to all who got good news from them!

Proflorax -- thank you for introducing me to the program way back when () but now I am sad that I can't join you and your awesome cohort :P

I think I'm maybe about to get my rejection. When I logged into the Apra system, it told me in bright red letters, "We're sorry, but your supplemental form is not ready to be processed at this time. There was an issue retreiving your application, please try again later." I'm thinking that this perhaps means they are uploading a decision. ??? Are any of you having this issue? Edited by MedievalMadness
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Looks like Maryland's a no-go for me since they apparently notified their top 20, but congrats to all who got good news from them!


Proflorax -- thank you for introducing me to the program way back when () but now I am sad that I can't join you and your awesome cohort  :P

Ah, shucks! I'm sorry you had no luck with Maryland (and with our tiny teeny cohort, luck is truly required). Still, we should introduce ourselves via PM, so we can meet up at or even collaborate for future conferences!

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Ignore my ranting about the website... my husband tells me that I'm being willfully ignorant about how computers work. Which...yes... may be true. I'm just so anxious to know. I had this dream that I was waitlisted and woke up still thinking it until I checked my email. I can handle being rejected, but the waiting is making me bonkers.

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Medieval Madness,


When I log into my Maryland application, it just says that my application has been submitted and is "in review" (not the exact wording, but something like that).  There's also a statement in bold that says that decisions cannot be given over email or phone.


I'm pretty convinced Maryland will not happen for me, but it was a major reach in the first place, so.....


I feel your pain about the waiting.  You have it even worse than most people, it seems, as you've heard NOTHING.  I at least have definitive answers from 4 out of 13 schools.  Not that they are good answers (one's not bad, but it's not great either on the grounds that I hear funding is unlikely.)  


It will be over soon.  I actually cried on the way home from hanging out with a friend yesterday.  It was the first time I've ever cried over Ph.D. applications.  I didn't cry or get particularly emotional any time in Aug, Sept, Oct, -- all during the time I was working my ass off and dealing with LOR writers and all kinds of other stuff.  But last night I was just like...this is bullshit.  I spent a lot of money and worked so damn hard.  I know I didn't work any harder than anyone else.  I was just upset/emotional and thinking...this sucks.


It will be over soon, and this is the time, I think, to count your blessings and think of all that is right in your life, and how the absence of a Ph.D. program doesn't mean you can't still, to an extent, study and research the things you love.


And most of my academic friends got shut out of Ph.D. programs at least once or twice.  And many who got in didn't necessarily get into Top 20, Top 30, or even Top 50 places.  And these are people I think of as damn smart.  So...


Going to work now.  I'll be on this board while at work, though (I teach, but when the students do group work, I'm on here thinking...what's gonna happen!!!!)

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Thanks for that! I'm sorry to hear you cried, but you're right. This isn't the end of the world and the game isn't over yet. I only applied to four programs, but that does mean I still have a shot at the three others.

Idiot that I am, I did not realize just HOW competitive Maryland was until after I submitted the application. Whoops. But there's no going back. I'm already planning to give it another shot next year if I don't get in this time.

We'll be okay! Even if we're shut out of everything this year, there's always next year.

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Thanks for that! I'm sorry to hear you cried, but you're right. This isn't the end of the world and the game isn't over yet. I only applied to four programs, but that does mean I still have a shot at the three others.

Idiot that I am, I did not realize just HOW competitive Maryland was until after I submitted the application. Whoops. But there's no going back. I'm already planning to give it another shot next year if I don't get in this time.

We'll be okay! Even if we're shut out of everything this year, there's always next year.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I remember how infuriating it is waiting... oh the waiting! Since you're local (I think?), if you are shut out this year, take advantage of your physical proximity to the programs! Go to UMD English Department events that align with your interests, and maybe see if you could take or audit a literature course with a professor with whom you'd like to work. It couldn't hurt to make your face and name known for when the adcomm reads through a pile of applications! 


And for you and purpleperson: group hug time! 



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Ah, shucks! I'm sorry you had no luck with Maryland (and with our tiny teeny cohort, luck is truly required). Still, we should introduce ourselves via PM, so we can meet up at or even collaborate for future conferences!

Indeed, a PM is on the way!

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Do they call for even international applicants,do you guys know?Do they not mail/e-mail anyone?

Gah it's nerve-racking-sitting in a different time-zone,being a first-time applicant,knowing I've blown a buttload of money on this and probably done a zillion things wrong.

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Hey firecrasher: Were you the MA acceptance the other day?


Not me since I'm applying for American Studies. I ran into one of my professors when I dropped off a physical copy of my transcript (which Apra says is still not received.. ha ha ha) and they're finalizing their Ph.D. cohort before they look at Master's apps. So it could be a long wait for me... 

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Not me since I'm applying for American Studies. I ran into one of my professors when I dropped off a physical copy of my transcript (which Apra says is still not received.. ha ha ha) and they're finalizing their Ph.D. cohort before they look at Master's apps. So it could be a long wait for me...

Oh, well, good luck to you! I'm counting Maryland as an implied rejection at this point, given that they've apparently contacted all 20 top applicants for the PhD program. Still, I won't give up all hope until I receive an official rejection.

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