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Which schools have sent out all their acceptances/waitlists already?

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I think UVA, Northwestern, and Arizona sent out acceptances so far. 


Far, far more than those have sent out acceptances. See ianfaircloud's blog for the latest information. Or just check the results page for philosophy.


Also, unless you've been accepted or wait listed at school S, you'll never know for certain at this point in the process whether S has sent out all its acceptances and wait lists. At best, you'll know that it's sent out one or more, sometimes many more. Still, you can draw reasonable inferences about how many acceptances/wait lists are outstanding.


I haven't heard from Arizona either acceptance or waitlist. I saw on the acceptances and rejections page that a few people got Arizona rejections today, and that the official letter said they had sent out their offers to their interested candidates already. Does that mean I didn't get in? Probably.


ianfaircloud, a frequent poster in these forums, has kept some pretty great data on his blog.  See this:  http://faircloudblog.wordpress.com/notifications/


Green=Sent out acceptances

Yellow=Sent out waitlists

Red=Sent out rejections

That list is really outstanding and informative. What a great list. I just had a question about University of Michigan: how do they know Michigan has sent out acceptances already? I haven't seen them at all on the results page. If Michigan sent out results, did they send them out by phone, e-mail, regular mail? 


If memory serves, Michigan acceptances went out about a week and a half ago.  Maybe late in the week not this past week but the week before.  I'm sure if you scroll back far enough in the results pages, you'll find them.  And I think one person who was accepted to Michigan posted in the Acceptance Thread here in the forums.


Yeah, Michigan acceptances went out a while ago alright. I just checked. So cross off another school. I'm probably 0 for 7 at this point with 7 to go. And when did all of University of Connecticut, Storrs e-mails go out? 

Posted (edited)

Yeah, Michigan acceptances went out a while ago alright. I just checked. So cross off another school. I'm probably 0 for 7 at this point with 7 to go. And when did all of University of Connecticut, Storrs e-mails go out? 


I don't know if Michigan has sent out wait list notifications yet. According to ianfaircloud's blog, it has not. This makes me happy. :)

Edited by DHumeDominates

I wonder how big the waitlists are at these schools. Do they contain 3-6 names, or like dozens?


Yeah, Michigan acceptances went out a while ago alright. I just checked. So cross off another school. I'm probably 0 for 7 at this point with 7 to go. And when did all of University of Connecticut, Storrs e-mails go out? 

Here's another resource.  Same blog.  It provides the date of initial communication from each department, but I don't think he tracks UConn.  If you have questions about other schools, this is a good place to start:




I think UConn was pretty early on in the process.  Either late January or very early February.


I don't know if Michigan has sent out ALL their acceptances yet, but I do know they haven't sent out wait lists. 




I don't know if Michigan has sent out wait list notifications yet. According to ianfaircloud's blog, it has not. This makes me happy. :)

The list needs to be updated because Arizona has sent out a few rejections today.

Posted (edited)

How big is a wait list usually?


I'm not sure that this is a coherent question. One may ask how long the wait-list of a particular program is, but the differences between programs is a determinative factor. The very strongest programs may rely on having a significant number of their first-choices accept their offers, whereas programs that are, for those same applicants, prudential second-choices, may not. So, programs will have bespoke wait-lists, tailored to their expectations & experience.

Edited by burroughs

I don't know if Michigan has sent out ALL their acceptances yet, but I do know they haven't sent out wait lists. 


How do you know that it hasn't released wait list notifications? Because no such notifications were posted on TGC? Or for some other reason(s)?

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