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Interview at Yale


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sure, Here isa link to my blog, you can find some works here,  http://victoriaudondian.blogspot.ch. Any info as regards my questions? am an international student, cut visit the college but am curious to find out about yale sculpture program

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Good luck! I think that the concerns with Yale sculpture may not carry over into the work that do. If you have any concerns then bring them up during your interview. Don't forget that the interview is for you as well.

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Good luck! I think that the concerns with Yale sculpture may not carry over into the work that do. If you have any concerns then bring them up during your interview. Don't forget that the interview is for you as well.

May not carry over into the work that do? sorry please what do you mean? cos from the post i find on this forum, seems like yale sculpture isn't fantastic, or do you have any concern and want to share?

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I meant that sculpture can encompass a lot of different things and that your work doesn't require a foundry or some other high tech capabilities. I'm not entirely sure what is going on with Yale's sculpture program, but I wouldn't concern yourself. Yale can still open a lot of doors in the art world and if you can get funding then you should probably consider going. Many people on this board would probably try to go there if they could so I wouldn't read a lot into it. I would certainly try to find out about international funding possibilities, but I wouldn't bring that up during the interview. Just talk about your work, the artists you admire, your process, and ask them questions about their program. Look at past year forums and see if you can find the answers to your questions there concerning Yale. There is a search function at the top right where you can put in Yale for all of Visual Art.

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I meant that sculpture can encompass a lot of different things and that your work doesn't require a foundry or some other high tech capabilities. I'm not entirely sure what is going on with Yale's sculpture program, but I wouldn't concern yourself. Yale can still open a lot of doors in the art world and if you can get funding then you should probably consider going. Many people on this board would probably try to go there if they could so I wouldn't read a lot into it. I would certainly try to find out about international funding possibilities, but I wouldn't bring that up during the interview. Just talk about your work, the artists you admire, your process, and ask them questions about their program. Look at past year forums and see if you can find the answers to your questions there concerning Yale. There is a search function at the top right where you can put in Yale for all of Visual Art.

Thank you. insightful.

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I went to Yale for undergrad and spent a great deal of time in the sculpture department. I think the program is vibrant, and the sculpture building offers massive, well lit, beautiful studios. The various departments interact quite often, with painters attending sculpture critiques, sculptors attending photo critiques, etc. You will have access to faculty and lecturers who work between media.


This talk of lacking facilities frankly surprises me. Yale is a large research university: with that comes access to funding and labs in other disciplines. You just have to be willing to reach out to professors and students outside of the School of Art. If you want a 3D printer, talk to people in the Architecture school. If you want an immense metal shop, walk a couple blocks to the Engineering building(there is a small on in the Art School). Students with a great deal of expertise, (especially undergraduates) will likely be quite willing work with you on interdisciplinary projects. 


I suspect that a lot of negative talk about Yale Sculpture is coming from people who have not spent any considerable amount of time there recently.

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