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The POI Head's Up...


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Hi all,


I thought i would start a post about POI's that give you the unofficial heads up that you got in before the official decision from the GSAS. Is this common? From what I understand, it is far from standard procedure but many seem to do it. Should the fact that we haven't heard from a POI be cause for alarm, or are they just more apt to following the rules. I would appreciate thoughts, comments, experiences….

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It seems to me that people are notified by the POI when they email asking about something (application status or sometimes something else) or after an interview. In my case, I had an interview and my POI emailed me a couple of days later with the good news. From another program, I didn't get an interview or an email from my POI but got accepted. The other two I just got emails from the GSAS.

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My POI at one university contacted me and has been very "hands on" throughout the whole process, constantly notifying me of things before they happen.  At another university, the POI never responded to my emails or contacted me at all, but I was accepted.  At the third university, I had a meeting and some good email communication with the POI and I am pretty sure I got rejected (still haven't heard).  I think it varies depending upon the professor.  Everyone handles things differently and advises in different ways. 


I wouldn't say no communication necessarily means rejection.  I also wouldn't say that communication necessarily guarantees admission. 

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Thanks Sarab and Strudelle: There seems to be no rhyme or reason in how about a POI will notify, or even if they will at all. I guess my POI's silence is what's driving me mad but then again, I haven't asked anything nor do I think I will. 

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I was notified by POIs before the official notice. They emailed me without any provocation to let me know they were available to answer questions and to encourage me to attend. In one case I had to write back and ask if that meant I was admitted because they hadn't told me yet!

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My PoI at McMaster contacted me independently and told me that I was admitted. She said to expect an offer within a few weeks. Before the offer came out she followed up and let me know about funding. Context: she has been fantastic and responsive throughout the application process, so I wasn't that surprised when she decided to contact me herself.

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One program told me at the end of the interview that the decision information had to come straight from the GSAS (they volunteered this info, I hand't even asked), and that they would not be allowed to contact me about the admissions decision, but that I was welcome to contact them with any questions. I was accepted a couple weeks later. So part of it might be POI preference and part of it might be school policy. Don't jump to any conclusions just because you haven't heard - it's impossible to piece together that's happening on the AdCom side of the application process!

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