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NYU's MCC vs McGill's COMS vs. MIT's HASTS


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I am truly damned for choice. I got into three great PhD programs with reasonable funding packages in three great schools with good placement rates. Picking between them is rather paralyzing. It's a question I could phrase two different ways:



1) Does anyone have any insight, anecdotes, or words of caution/encouragement about the following programs?


- New York University's doctoral program in Media, Culture, and Communication

- McGill University's doctoral program in Communication Studies

- MIT's doctoral program in History; Anthropology; and Science, Technology and Society


I'm looking to work on the early and recent histories of computers with a humanities bent. 



2) What factors are more important than others when comparing the strengths and weaknesses of my options?


- Access to archives

- Supervisor support

- Rigor and length of coursework

- Critical mass of scholars in your department, working in your research area

- Prestige of school/program

- Fit of research interests/methodology between you and your potential supervisor


Everything is too awesome, Internet! Please help me by grounding all these musings in your collective experience.

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I am an MA student at MCC, but I've taken a few doctoral courses and work closely with faculty.  Feel free to reach out with questions via PM. 


But, honestly, I think HASTS is of a completely different caliber.  It is a much more competitive program, MIT is a better school, and the faculty is better than both MCC and McGill, so....

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