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Hello all,


I am in need of serious advice.


I am trying to decide which university to attend. I have been accepted to the University of Indianapolis and Western Kentucky University.


UIndy has a research track in the clinical psychology program that is, obviously, research oriented. It is geared towards students intending to earn a PhD or MA level research positions. It also includes some foundational coursework.


The clinical psychology program at WKU is pratice oriented and is intended for those who wish to gain licensure at the MA level. However, they say students who seek a PhD with this degree are typically accepted into those programs. Also, a thesis is required and so is actualy practicum experience.


So, here is my question: For a person intending to apply to PhD programs in future, should I choose the school which has a primary focus in the research aspect of clinical psychology? Or the track that has dual practice and research requirements? Would focusing on research make me a stronger doctoral candidate or would it make me weaker?


Any advice, hints,and tips would be very helpful!


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