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How many of you are disappointed with your admits/rejects and have decided to apply again next Fall?


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I would have happily attended Purdue! But due to some personal problems which came up I am unwilling to spend that much on Purdue. So I'll be applying next fall! But theres still a small chance of me going to Purdue! Lets see. :P

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So I am kinda thinking of applying again next fall as i didnt get into my top 2 choice universities! How many of you are in the same boat?


I have to ask -- 

According to your signature, you applied to 9 schools and got into at least 3. But you're talking as if only two of these 9 schools are schools you're actually in attending, with a third maybe. Isn't it a waste of a lot of time and money applying to school you never intended to attend in the first place? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've also decided to try again next fall. I was admitted into three of the four programs I applied to, and was invited to interview at the other. In my field, a huge emphasis is placed on graduate assistantships and I wasn't able to obtain one. Financially speaking, I'm uncertain how I will afford it without a GA as well. Add to that a close relative with who was undergoing cancer treatment learning that his situation can't be improved and getting a new job, I've decided waiting is the best thing for me right now. Next application cycle though I'll probably have a greater sense of urgency, so if I'm unable to get a GA again I will probably just end up enrolling anyway.

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