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Future Chance?


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Hello friends,

I am currently a Junior attending a Christian liberal arts college.

GPA: 3.93

Major: Psychology and Literature

Will be applying for a MTS or equivalent

Honors : PS, Top Psychology Student,

Summa Cum Laude

Research Ex: Harvard studied moral psychology, Hebrew University (Jerusalem) Arab-Israeli conflict

Extracurricular: Involved in Ministry for neglected youth 3 years, Volunteer helping the homeless, Psi Chi, etc.

Unique: I am spent a semester studying in Jerusalem and will have two summers working at Harvard.

References: Will be good and varied

I would like to apply to HDS, YDS, ND, and U Chicago. What do you think chances for admittance/fin aid are? Additionally, would you recommend any other schools? I am going to be applying for Moral Theology (Ethics) or Early Christianity.

Thank you very much!

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The only school there that might be tricky is Harvard Divinity School, since they are the most selective. But your experience there and your versatile academic background will help you. Even Yale Divinity is within your reach. Good luck. Godspeed.

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Honestly, figuring out your chances at these schools is difficult. It sounds like you have good experience, but some significant factors to consider are which Christian school you are attending (because not all of them are created equal, and each has its own theological/ecclesial leanings) and the fact that you do not have an undergraduate degree in religion or theology. My area is not ethics, so I can't speak for that particular area, but I would recommend doing what you can to research the schools you're interested in to see if what they're doing in ethics is in fact what you want to do, and then shape your applications to show that you are prepared for graduate studies in religion/ethics.

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Hi James105! I'm currently studying ethics in the MTS program at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Your chances sound really good based on what you've said. I think that a degree in psychology (particularly moral psychology) can be quite useful in the study of ethics. Along with the schools you've mentioned, I would recommend looking at Candler, Vanderbilt, and Duke.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi James, what school are you going to? I went to Gordon College, majored in Philosophy and Biblical/Theological Studies and got into ND's MTS. I would suggest either taking some theology courses this year or a course on philosophical ethics. Even if its just one course it can give you some background and prove that your interests truly are theological. And there's always languages!


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