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Higher Ed PhD and post PhD jobs

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Hello every1

Nice to be on here.

A little about me:
I am considering an EdD or a PhD in Higher Ed. 

I need to know if this would be a good decision for me.

I'm very interested in it, but would like different opinions from different people.
I know that every university is different. This is me

Florida Atlantic University - Intercultural and Organizational Communication, 3.7GPA

University of Rochester - Teaching and Curriculum, ESL specialization 3.9GPA

Omicron Delta Kappa Honor society

I have 2 semesters of higher education teaching experience in English as a Second Language, with good reviews from students.

I have 2 years working at language school(s) experience.

1 year of managing my own (this time online) business in ESL (online, private, personalized tutoring).
I have been a private ESL tutor since 2005.

I want to get a higher ed degree and tutor on the side for fun.

1) I feel a bit like I am "all over the place." Some people tell me otherwise. What are your opinions?

2) I am applying to University of Rochester, Columbia, and perhaps others that DON'T require the GRE.
Does anyone have a list of other schools that don't require the GRE? 

3) What would be the job prospects for someone like me post graduation?
Many universities say professor, government, deans etc. But with my background, what would you say?

4) Any thing else that you wish to add, please, I'd love to know.

All the best and thanks for your time. 

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A dream job: Professor and Manager of a department in ESL.

I would consider many others in higher ed, but this is just an example.
Others include: government or even professor of higher education. 

Edited by tesolin4languages
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I agree with MAC2809, a PhD is a better path to becoming a professor and/or department head. However, I think these positions are only worthy goals if you're interested in research: a professor heads the department after a long career of research projects, published papers, and student advising. If you enjoy research, that's great; if you don't, it doesn't make sense to spend a decade or two doing that to get to your end goal: it would probably be better to take your MS and see what you can do with it, and avoid the years spent on the PhD.


Just out of curiosity, why isn't the GRE an option? The GRE is a norm for most programs, so you'd be missing out on quite a few potential options.

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Thanks bakalamba. That helps. 
I do like research, and I like being a professor. I will happily work towards that goal. :)

You are right and might look into taking the exam. 
For now, however, I'd love to know, during my initial phases of my school research, whether there are some good schools (Teacher's College, University of Rochester) that don't require it. I have seen a few here

Does anyone have another list?

And if any1 has other tips, I'd be more than happy to read them.
Best of luck!!!!!

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I just googled it and from what I can tell the website you already posted is the one that offers the best description of schools that don't require the GRE. There's a lot of schools on there so you should probably use that list and just double check the actual school websites that you are interested in.

Although studying for and taking the GRE isn't really that big of a deal and would open up your options substantially. And a lot of the programs that don't require the GRE will still take your scores and use them as a factor if you do well and want to submit them.

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Not to sound rude, but I don't think you're getting answers because 1) you aren't very clear/certain about what path you want and 2) most of this is stuff you can google yourself. In fact, it will definitely be faster to google these schools than wait hours or days for people to respond on here. Best of luck.

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I am going to go against the grain and recommend that you have a clearer idea of what you want to study in a PhD program before you start selecting schools.  It is not clear to me why you would want to study higher ed specifically.  Based on your experience so far - it seems like you would be a better fit for an Applied Linguistic/ESL PhD program not a Higher Ed PhD,  This assumes that you want to do research - which I am not convinced that you do.


Ultimately - you want to select PhD programs that have professors that you want to work with because their research interests overlap with yours.  Picking schools based on whether they require you to submit GRE scores or not is not a good selection criteria especially given that taking the test is only a couple hours of your life compared to being stuck in a program that is a poor fit for you for the 5+ years it takes to complete a PhD.  It just doesn't make much sense...


I also would narrow down what you really want to do and then decide whether you actually need the PhD.  I am not convinced that you need a PhD (at all).  I also recommend that you get work experience in higher ed before you decide this is the career path for you.  

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