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TWU TETN cycle 8


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Hey guys I called and the lady I spoke with (not sue Colton) said that they will still be sending out emails next week. She said they aren't finished. The lady also said she isn't sure if they are doing it by region or what. So I hope this helps. Oh and sue isn't in the office today so I assume no emails will be sent today.

I'm still waiting patiently and keeping my faith that I will get in!

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Thanks Porter! I also talked to someone in region 20 and they told me more letters would be going out this coming week. It's gonna be a looooooong weekend/week! :\

Edited by Jeana
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For those that are curious about sponsorship I spoke with Sue Colton via email and she stated we should be recieving a letter within the next week regarding sponsorship. Hope this helps. Best of luck to those awaiting acceptance and those taking finals

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I have had my license for almost 2 years. And no I didn't have to take a test. And I love it just ready to have my masters and not have to be supervised. In Gods will and timing I will get it though! I'm ready to know something. I'm trying not to let the waiting get to me. I want to call sue and talk to her but I don't want to bug her.

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I applied to region 18 as well and haven't heard anything. I also called last week (Thursday) and they said they would be sending out acceptances this week. The lady I talked to seemed a little annoyed so I don't want to call again.

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Nice how they all seemed annoyed...yet it's OUR MONEY, CAREER and LIVELIHOOD'S at stake! I find it very unfair to have notified ppl in such a non uniform manner. I have gotten over the sickness of not getting in. I just need to know what my next steps are and would like to be notified of NOT being accepted. If I am accepted great, but if not...I need to start exploring other options and being at a stand still after such long exhausting semesters is very unfortunate! >END RANT< PRAYERS AND FAITH GUYS! PRAYERS AND FAITH!

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