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Ceramics or Painting dept: Can I do both? Where? Help!

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Hi all :) 

I have a hard time choosing between ceramic sculpture and painting, as far as applying to specific departments. What schools offer interdisciplinary dept. applications? Since ceramics is pretty facility dependent, it would have to at least have a strong ceramics program (variety of kilns i.e. size, oxidation/reduction,indoor/outdoor, glaze lab...) 
Would it make more sense to apply for ceramics as it's might be less competitive than painting?  I'm cool with not having a fancy name if they offer awesome stuff like full rides :)
This is my first time applying to grad school and any advice would be deeply appreciated! ( think my work would be better received by a certain school, artist statement/art feedback, thoughts on certain schools/programs...anything!)
here's my work if you're curious... 








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