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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) - Spring 2015 Admissions


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  • 2 weeks later...

No I did not have the second interview. I was told by someone well informed at kaust that this semester EE has estimated acceptance of 0.5%. I am not very hopeful and shall try my luck next semester.

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BTW pilla the same source told me that the admission decisions will be communicated till the third week of December.

Are you done with ur interviews? When was ur hr interview?


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ARJS@ dont lose hope:)


if your POI has recommended you, then surely you will have a HR interview.

contact you POI and find out the situation.


Also i think that your information is about the number of students intake in EE is not right

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Dear pilla, thanks for your words.


My application was recommended by my POI aabout a month ago and still I did not get the interview call.


Anyway, dears, I wish you guys all the best.

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Guys...............................results have been declared. i have seen some post on gradcafe forum



ARJS: I have no information about the number of intakes in EE.

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As salaam Alikum


Don't lose hope ARJS.  May Allah give you  the best and the deserving.


Since you have good GPA, i advise you to apply for IVY league colleges.


BTW, when did you receive the rejection email.???

Did any other friend of yours received any email from kaust???

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Wa'alaykum Assalam dear pilla

I'm extremely positive and not affected by this decision. Thanks for your kind words brother.

What's the benefit of IVY league colleges? I never heard of them.. Please share some details.

I received the email on 3 dec. none of my friends applied to kaust so have no further information.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi annona


What details do you want to know? I had a technical interview for Spring 2015 intake but eventually could not make it to the personal interview. Which one are you talking about? I can share with you about the first one but no idea about the second.


Could you please share:

1) whether you have been invited for an interview or you are having it on Skype?

2) Who is going to take it? (professor alone or a committee)

3) How did you come to know that you have an interview? (email from KAUST / from Prof / VIP page)


Thank you.

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ARJS ... thank u for ur reply. I applied for Fall 2015 and my VIP page is showing registered/waitlisted. No interview is assigned to me yet.

As u know only about the technical interview, please tell us about it. who is making the interview with u? What they asked u ? And why you was rejected(if you have an idea)? Sorry for being long

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Don't worry about the status on your VIP page, since it's been more than a month since you submitted your application, I would recommend you to email your POI (if he/she gave you a green signal to apply and mention him/her in your application). I received an email from my POI that he wanted to have a conversation with me on Skype and we set a time for that. The conversation lasted for precisely 30 minutes. He introduced himself and his lab (obviously things which were not mentioned on the website), he mentioned what he was doing and what he'd want me to do if accepted, he asked me about what I had been doing in my research and whether that was simulation or experiments etc. The level of interview was not very technical however that was not a piece of cake as well. At least you should be able to understand the project your POI is trying to recruit you on. You should be able to comment on that and on its applications. I believe they are not expecting you to be a champion of the field but at least you should be able to understand what they are talking about and make a general sense of it. Mine interview went very well but at the end of our conversation my POI told me that competition is very fierce at KAUST, nevertheless he'd recommend my application. I do not know the exact reason for my rejection however I found it wise to apply for the Fall semester again.

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