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Penn GSE Fall 2015


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Hi guys: I`ve got news!

I wrote an email to Penn GSE and got this a minute ago:


"At this time, all invitations have been extended to students selected for the first round of interviews in February. If you were not contacted for an interview, this is not necessarily the end of the road. Occasionally the faculty will return to the pool of applicants and select more students for interviews after the initial group. It is not common, but it does happen every once in a while. For this reason, we do not issue any official decision letters until mid-March."


I did not get one! Anyways, I wish you guys a great journey ahead and that you can succeed in whatever you do! :) 

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Does anyone know which GSE programs require an interview? I applied for ECS PhD and I don't recall seeing anything about an interview.

From what I understood, the most promising applicants are contacted to be part of the PhD weekend in February regardless the specialization. But I cannot tell you if this works for ALL of the PhD programs! 

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Hi guys: I`ve got news!

I wrote an email to Penn GSE and got this a minute ago:


"At this time, all invitations have been extended to students selected for the first round of interviews in February. If you were not contacted for an interview, this is not necessarily the end of the road. Occasionally the faculty will return to the pool of applicants and select more students for interviews after the initial group. It is not common, but it does happen every once in a while. For this reason, we do not issue any official decision letters until mid-March."


I did not get one! Anyways, I wish you guys a great journey ahead and that you can succeed in whatever you do! :) 


Thanks so much for letting all of us know.  *Gulp*  I wonder if that applies to the EdD weekend, as well?   Regardless, good luck to everyone...and, of course, there are some master's candidates who have participated in this discussion, so hopefully they will have some good news to contribute.  :)

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So do you guys thi


Hi guys: I`ve got news!

I wrote an email to Penn GSE and got this a minute ago:


"At this time, all invitations have been extended to students selected for the first round of interviews in February. If you were not contacted for an interview, this is not necessarily the end of the road. Occasionally the faculty will return to the pool of applicants and select more students for interviews after the initial group. It is not common, but it does happen every once in a while. For this reason, we do not issue any official decision letters until mid-March."


I did not get one! Anyways, I wish you guys a great journey ahead and that you can succeed in whatever you do! :) 


So are you guys under the impression that this means all Penn GSE PhD applicants have received their invitations at this point, or only for some programs?

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So do you guys thi



So are you guys under the impression that this means all Penn GSE PhD applicants have received their invitations at this point, or only for some programs?


I think so...that small dose of hope doesn't seem promising.

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No news on my end, yet (Masters candidate, here).  Starting to feel a little neglected, but oh well.

I think they are just busy processing the doctoral programs right now, travelgirl! =(

Hopefully, very soon you will get your very good news from Penn!!!!!!! Whooohey!

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I think they are just busy processing the doctoral programs right now, travelgirl! =(

Hopefully, very soon you will get your very good news from Penn!!!!!!! Whooohey!


I agree with cami15 (that they are busy getting the doctoral program invitations out).  I hope you hear something today so that you can celebrate this weekend.  :) 


I am hoping EdD invitations have not gone out yet.  I've been holding on to that little possibility, even though it has been confirmed that PhD invitations have gone out.  Naive, perhaps!

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I agree with cami15 (that they are busy getting the doctoral program invitations out).  I hope you hear something today so that you can celebrate this weekend.  :)


I am hoping EdD invitations have not gone out yet.  I've been holding on to that little possibility, even though it has been confirmed that PhD invitations have gone out.  Naive, perhaps!

As far as I know, only PhD!!! Hold on a little more there, tchrsquirrel!!!! Hopefully, you will be getting good news very soon. Fingers crossed! :) 

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As far as I know, only PhD!!! Hold on a little more there, tchrsquirrel!!!! Hopefully, you will be getting good news very soon. Fingers crossed! :)

You are TOO nice!  Thanks for the support.  I have actually already decided I'm not on the list so that I can start looking for silver linings (like the fact that I won't have to go suit shopping now!).  Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

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You are TOO nice!  Thanks for the support.  I have actually already decided I'm not on the list so that I can start looking for silver linings (like the fact that I won't have to go suit shopping now!).  Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

hahahaha true: it is hot like hell in Brazil, so not going suit shopping is my silver linings too! :)

I am still waiting for two other decisions though... 


And for HigherEdLife: agreed... I think you guys will have to wait a little more. So hang in there! Hopefully, you`ll get very good news from West Philadelphia!

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hahahaha true: it is hot like hell in Brazil, so not going suit shopping is my silver linings too! :)

I am still waiting for two other decisions though... 


And for HigherEdLife: agreed... I think you guys will have to wait a little more. So hang in there! Hopefully, you`ll get very good news from West Philadelphia!


cami15 - I, too, am waiting to hear back from some other schools, as well.  Fortunately (and very gratefully), I have one acceptance, so that has done a lot to calm my nerves.  I am certain you will be admitted to one or both of the other programs; it sounds like you have done so much/have such a strong application.  I'm pulling for you!


HigherEdLife - Agree with cami15; I am pretty sure that doctoral admissions/invitations decisions have taken up much of admissions committee's time over the last few weeks.  I know how much information I submitted (from scores to transcripts to resume to SOP), so I can only imagine how much time it takes to review all of the applications.  Hang in there!  :)


Well, off to the library to gather materials for learning centers.  A teacher's work is never done!  :)

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Hello all!

I'm newly registered, but I've been reading the thread for a few months. I applied to the Higher Education PhD program. I haven't gotten any news, so I'm taking this as a forthcoming rejection. Thank you guys so much for your updates. Best of luck to you all! I've been accepted to one program, fortunately. Just waiting to hear about funding.

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Hello all!

I'm newly registered, but I've been reading the thread for a few months. I applied to the Higher Education PhD program. I haven't gotten any news, so I'm taking this as a forthcoming rejection. Thank you guys so much for your updates. Best of luck to you all! I've been accepted to one program, fortunately. Just waiting to hear about funding.

Wow! That is great! Congrats on your acceptance! :) Funding will come! It will come! 

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Hello all!

I'm newly registered, but I've been reading the thread for a few months. I applied to the Higher Education PhD program. I haven't gotten any news, so I'm taking this as a forthcoming rejection. Thank you guys so much for your updates. Best of luck to you all! I've been accepted to one program, fortunately. Just waiting to hear about funding.

Never too late to join the conversation! Penn GSE indicated that it does occasionally go back to the applicant pool, so you are not officially rejected. Still, it's wonderful that you have one acceptance already… CONGRATULATIONS!

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Thanks all! I am sure we will all find our place somewhere :)


I hate stating the obvious...and the trite...but it's true: We all really will find our paths.  I think EdD invites come out this week, and I will be thrilled if I'm invited, and I will be okay if I am not.  

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I hate stating the obvious...and the trite...but it's true: We all really will find our paths.  I think EdD invites come out this week, and I will be thrilled if I'm invited, and I will be okay if I am not.  


Best of luck to you!! :)


Not sure if you're following the weather, but the Northeast is in for a huge blizzard this week.  I'm assuming this will probably delay things for everyone here, including Penn, so don't worry if you don't hear right away!

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Best of luck to you!! :)


Not sure if you're following the weather, but the Northeast is in for a huge blizzard this week.  I'm assuming this will probably delay things for everyone here, including Penn, so don't worry if you don't hear right away!


Thank you!  Good point about the weather.  Hope you hear something soon.  :)

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