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Yale MFA graphic designers!


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I know there's a thread on this but I'm still confused.. How are you guys doing this?


I'm applying for 2 year graphic design MFA program. On Yale's website it says:  Do not include detail photos of work in your portfolio unless you consider them absolutely necessary. Under no circumstance should more than two detail shots be included.


I have many works that are in book form, and I consider it absolutely necessary to have more than ONE image to show my work. I can't show the cover and not the inner pages - it's a book, obviously both the cover and the inner pages need to be viewed.. I also can't have composite images (more than one work per file) so basically no photoshopping many photographs as a collage if that makes sense? Oh and Do not format images in any presentation program (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote)


If I was uploading a series of posters, I could make it look as though they are hung next to each other and submit that as one image, but for a book it's different, no?


I tried calling but they say to refer to the website (...uh..) or email because 'indeed, these kinds of questions should come officially through an email not a call'. I've been emailing since summer about this (and other application questions - I'm an 'international student' so I had questions on TOEFL and stuff like that) but never received a reply from them! I said that too on the phone, and they're like 'email again'. Meh. I did, and no reply.


Please help!! Thank you so much! Best of luck in all your applications 2015  :)

Edited by daeunlee
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