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On nailing the tasteful thank you note...


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Does anybody have any advice or any links to preferred templates that they are willing to share? 


How about advice for how many people should receive a thank you note? 

Of course I plan to send one to my potential mentor, but it appears as if I will be meeting several professors at some upcoming interviews. 

Is it appropriate to send perhaps a less rigid one to graduate students who agreed to put me up for the night, or is that 'too much'?


I found these examples at a glance, but the last paragraph seems a tad pushy to me ("I hope the program has a good feeling about me"): http://gready.blogspot.com/2006/03/graduate-school-interview-writing.html


I need some help achieving the balance between 'too much,' being perceived as being pushy, or failing to express appropriate gratitude. Any words of wisdom will be much appreciated because I am cluelessly winging it at this point  :)

Edited by TheMercySeat
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Wow, I haven't even heard of doing this. Where did you receive this advice? I was just going to thank my recommenders. Hopefully, I haven't been committing a faux pas with POIs!



Perhaps I have been in the workforce for too long, but I think it might be SoP?

It is mentioned on a few different sites in a grad school context, though:





Not real sure which is the fairest of them all in terms of templates/guides :)

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Wow, I haven't even heard of doing this. Where did you receive this advice? I was just going to thank my recommenders. Hopefully, I haven't been committing a faux pas with POIs!


I don't think you're committing a faux pas. I don't think it's common to send thank you notes to POIs, though of course it's perfectly fine if they were helpful throughout the application process. I never did anything more than write them a nice short email letting them know how things turned out if I didn't end up accepting an admissions offer from their school. They were all appreciative of the follow up and were glad I ended up in a place that I was excited about.  


OP: as someone who used to host prospective students every year, most say thank you and bring a small gift, e.g. a chocolate bar or a snack from wherever they are from. Few later send a card, and we'd put it on the fridge and enjoy it for a while. I think a "thank you for hosting me" is fine, but a "I hope the program has a good feeling about me" is a little bit awkward. Just thank your host for their hospitality.

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I myself prefer to send handwritten thank you cards, however given the quick turn-around of decisions after interviews, you should probably drop an e-mail. A little less professional, but could still be important. 


My interview was done on Monday. Tuesday I e-mailed a thank you and was told they were making decisions at that moment. Received my acceptance on Wednesday.

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