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Freaking out (Higher Ed/Student Affairs)


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Ok, first let me thank you for reading this and any feedback you may give is greatly appreciated. 


I am currently applying to higher ed/student affairs programs for Fall 2015. I am coming right from undergraduate degree, 3.7 gpa, average to above average GRE scores and tons of experience in higher ed.


Experience: Office manager of a student life office, orientation leader, head orientation leader, campus safety student worker, intern in a tutor center working on data related to drop out rates, and even assistant to Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs.


I have now received 3 "no's" from top tier grad schools and I am trying to find out what else I could have done or what is going on. I have received one invite to my number 1 choice but won't find out if I am in until late March. I am having a slight panic attack about what happens if I don't get in anywhere. I still have 2 pending applications (also to great programs) that I expect to hear back from in the coming weeks.


Anyone else in this same boat or were in this place before.


Have a great day! 

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I am assuming you are applying to master's programs?


If you are straight from undergrad and you are applying to top tier programs that fund their applicants - you will be competing with a lot of people and not having full-time work experience is going to be seen as a negative.  If you are applying to programs that assume that you'll pay for most of your education and you are not getting acceptances, I would assume it might have to do with either your SOP or your letters of rec as your GPA is good and GREs don't tend to be weighted too heavily in higher ed programs.


But honestly - it's seems a bit too early to tell.  You still have 2 apps pending.  I would distract myself as much as possible while waiting for the decisions.


If those apps aren't successful - then it might be a blessing in disguise.  You'll be able to apply for full-time positions in higher ed which will give you the necessary background to make the most out of your higher ed master's  and will give you some savings (hopefully!) to help supplement your income for when you do decide to go back to school.

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